View Full Version : one step forward two backwards

04-12-15, 07:33

Why is it that when I feel like I have taken one step forwards I wake up anxious and feel like it is two steps backwards.

Everyone keeps telling me to stop worrying but I can't. I am ok if I manage to distract myself but everything soon comes flooding back I don't know what to do or how to handle this.

My main anxiety is work, I am convinced I will be sacked but I am not on any kind of performance improvement and have no warnings against me.

I woke up this morning feeling sick with it, this I am putting down to manager changing my appraisal from a Monday to Thursday, no big deal and probably a simple explanation for it but not knowing why makes me anxious. The last time she did something like this she cancelled a meeting altogether so we could have a documented informal chat about things ending up with her saying any more instances and she would inform hr, so now everything I do I feel is scrutinised which put me under so much pressure.

Many apologies for constantly going on about it, but writing it down seems to help and if anyone works could help I would really appreciate it.



04-12-15, 09:18
Yes. 2 weeks ago I had a clear MRI. It was routine to check if I had any issues with balance; no specialists were worried about it.

They were right. I had this amazing feeling. SO LONG ANXIETY!

Wrong. It's back. Like people warned me. But now I'm trying it without meds. So, I'm panicking much easier.

Good luck...beating this is a case of managing it until it doesn't affect you so much...then it will fade. I keep telling myself that....but I do get the 'one step forward, two back' feeling a lot.