View Full Version : Can't cope with waiting for blood test results

04-12-15, 12:07
I had some blood tests done this morning - now I am back at home absolutely sick with worry. I have a swollen knee with a soft, squashy lump behind it. When the doctor saw it he said he thought it was a cyst, but he would do blood tests and an ultrasound (I'm due to have the ultrasound on the 22nd). Anyway, when I got there, the phlebotomist told me that I was due to have a full blood count, liver and kidney function, thyroid and inflammation markers! I wasn't expecting all that and I'm so anxious that the doctor picked up on something worrying.
I am also worried because after the blood test I bled a little - not excessively, but enough to soak the pad of the plaster. I am worried that this means I have some clotting issue with my blood, and my mind goes immediately to leukaemia, one of my frequent worries. I feel so awful, I feel like ringing the surgery and telling them to throw away my samples because I just don't want to know any bad news. I am terrified of the phone ringing.
I have had the most awful year, and I just don't have any faith at all in my luck. I am actually in tears with anxiety. I know that no one can tell me what will happen, but someone replying will make me feel a bit less alone. Thank you for reading.

04-12-15, 14:26
I feel your pain in waiting on bloods for my son rang up this morning and it said make a routine appointment .he told me he wud ring if anything was bad but something must have shown of he wants to see us �� freaking out ill be fine I'm sure if there was anything bad lab wud ring docter straight away

04-12-15, 15:27
Hi, what you've described is more or less a full blood test, I think it's what they would generally screen blood for. I had this done years ago, pre anxiety.
As for bleeding after test, it's likely that enough pressure wasn't placed on it for long enough.