View Full Version : Breast clinic app

04-12-15, 12:15
Can anyone offer any reassurance or their experience?

I have an appointment just come through for the breast clinic. The date is the 23rd of December!!

I know it's silly but I'm terrified to go as if it's bad news or I need to wait it will ruin the special day with my kids.

I've been having problems with my left breast on and off for a few years. I had part of it ultra sounded about 2 years ago whilst breastfeeding. All was ok.

It's generally bigger than the right and feels noticibly so to me. I don't know if it's just been even bigger since stopping breastfeeding, it's fuller in a bra. I stopped feeding 1.5 years ago tho so. When wearing tops etc it feels tighter on the left. I also have achy in it when pressing against it and for example when I come out of the shower and have a towel wrapped round me. I went to the GP and she said she couldn't feel any concerns and that I have fibrocystic breasts. Which I know I do but this also means there are various lumps throughout! A lot of the lumps are same on both sides but I've also found a couple of little ones recently and I'm terrified.

I just want to cancel the appointment which I know is irrational but I feel sick with fear. My kids at 6 and 2.5 x

Today 11:45 Le1890

Meant to say I'm 35. Although I know this seems to mean little now a days.x

04-12-15, 15:13
Yes, I've been. Went last year, just after new year. Was very anxious about it, but it was just fine. Lovely consultant, understood my anxiety & was very reassuring. As a general rule I think a specialist they can pretty much tell straight away from the ultrasound, but they might do a biopsy to be sure (this freaked me out, but apparently it's just part of the routine now). The procedure is fine, I mean you're numb at the time but will feel a bit bruised for a while after. My results came in the post about a week later... And confirmed that it's just a fibroadenoma (breast mouse!)

The clinic was actually very busy (it's incredibly common to find a lump!), so I suppose if you reschedule, you will have to wait longer (after Christmas) without knowing, or you take the plunge and go on your booked appointment, I'm sure the specialist can reassure you somewhat (and put your mind at rest over the festive season) even if you have to wait until after Christmas for biopsy results to come through.

Sure you'll be alright, just explain how you're feeling, the doctor will understand :)

04-12-15, 15:24
Hi hun, I'm your age, I breastfed and also have one breast larger than other, I've put it down to the fact that whilst breastfeeding, I tended to favour my left breast over my right as it was more comfortable, my right breast is larger than my left.

05-12-15, 17:30
Thank you both.

I can feel my anxiety raising its ugly head. Finding it difficult to stop thinking about it and rummaging around. Now I'm sore from all the poking and prodding last night.

I also was the same regarding breast feeding. I know with my daughter who is now 7 I preferred using left breast. It was the one that was always fuller with milk too. Then with my son it was the same. It was the one that was full of milk, so much my baby used to struggle to keep up with the flow of milk. It was the one that got mastitis and was certainly larger whilst feeding. It's just that it definitely is full of lumps compared to the right one.

Just need to try and get on with things until the 23rd. X

06-12-15, 17:30
I had the same problem for many years after breastfeeding. And that was 40 years ago! My left has seemed larger ever since then, and I've had episodes of pain and discomfort in it ever since, still get problems now. My breasts aren't lumpy - unless of course I dig my fingers in when examining myself - it's amazing what you can find if you really try! However many times I tell myself to use the flat of my fingers, if I'm in an anxious state I press too hard and imagine all sorts of things.