View Full Version : Heart flutters and sore throat

04-12-15, 13:21
Hi all, haven't been here in a while - I have been trying to get things back on an even keel but feel like I'm going downhill again 😟

I have had a sore throat for a few days and a bad taste in my mouth for a good couple of weeks. My tongue even hurt when I swallowed last night. This morning I could feel a bunch of snot stuck in my nose but when I sniffed a big ball of pink mucus came out! I've been having fluttering in my chest and stupidly googled and found heart valve disease.

I am so angry with myself for googling but convince myself every time it is only to put my mind at rest (which of course it does not!)

I'm currently taking 50mg sertraline. Any ideas what the chest/throat/nose things could be as obviously I'm in worst case scenario mode here and can't seem to escape it!

04-12-15, 18:53
any trouble eating, regurgitating? same thing happend to me, turned out to be acid reflux. took nexium for a month, flutters went away, sore throat, runny nose, waking up at night, feeling sick all together...it all went away after treatment.don't worry, talk to your gp, get an opinion and try to relax, heart diseases have many other symptoms than what you describe, it's not your heart.

hope you get well soon