View Full Version : lost weight since cutting down olanzipine

04-12-15, 17:40
Im so pleased iv cut down this med..iv had good days ,but most of all my hunger has droped and im only eating 1000 cal a day now and feel fine...iv lost nearly 1 stone in under a month without going to the gym..just cut right back on food,funny thing is,in the evening i hardly feel hungry at all..bizzare.but im enjoying seeing the weight come off..i went from 11 stone three years ago to 15 since being on this med.im now 14 stone and can see in a couple of months i could loose another two stone sticking to my daily cal intake..something positive has come out of this...cant wait to get back into med size tops again..already gone from X large to large with room to spare...

04-12-15, 17:55
Well done Greg your patience is paying off,I've lost 1/2 stone without dieting since dropping to 2.5mg

04-12-15, 19:36
Well done, I've lost over 2 stone since dropping to 2.5mg and my appetite has decreased alot, when on the 5mg dose i was raiding the cupboards at night! XX

04-12-15, 19:50
Well done Greg! You'll feel so much better for it!

04-12-15, 20:45
Thanks guys.yes this is making me feel more positive..i cant wait till after xmas celebrations to realy focus on my weight now..im determind to loose more in the new year..feels so good to feel my jeans falling off my wast...more to come

04-12-15, 21:29
What dose are you on now Greg? XX

04-12-15, 22:50
Well i was on 2.5 from 5mg..then cut the 2.5 into 4 pieces,and throw one piece away.but i can feel a difference in myself..more energy better days and im starting to feel my feelings and possitivity come back to me..starting to look forward to the next day.so something is changing.