View Full Version : Desperate..Swollen armpit..again

04-12-15, 22:46
Dear everyone,
I need reassurance because I'm very worried. Since this morning I started feeling this weird pain in my armpit area and i looked at myself in the mirror and it looks a bit swollen. It's like a pulling kind of pain (I don't know how to explain it better), this is not the first time it happens, it's actually happened several times before and it's the same armpit every time.. but with time it usually goes away . I googled online and most of the results I got said that it could be lymphoma and i went into full panic.
When i've gotten the pain before it always goes away, but I'm getting super concerned as it's become a constant occurrence.

Has anyone else had a similar kind of pain? Please help. I'm desperate.

05-12-15, 21:00
I've had sore lumps there which have been blocked hair ducts and I've had it when the muscles or tendons or whatever they are are tender in there. You are making a gigantic leap thinking of lymphoma...did you know that that's usually painless?

06-12-15, 20:16

Like daisyflower, I have had blocked hair ducts too and the pain is horrible! I've since swapped to a roll on deodorant and it has really helped me.

17-07-18, 04:51
Hello everyone,
I am sorry to continue with this post. But I've been having pain under my left armpit on and off for a couple of years now. I never really gave that much attention to it until now when my HA is at its peak. It's a pain that is so difficult to explain and describe. It's like a "pulling pain" as if I had a muscle being twisted or something. It also hurts when I touch and my armpit looks a bit swollen. What's making my anxiety even worse is that on Friday I went to get an ultrasound to finally get an answer to this and the sonographer's words and expressions during the examination made me feel even worse.

I did ask her if she noticed something that looked out of normal but she told me to wait for the radiologist's report because they needed to take their time to check it. What does that even mean?! I assume that if there was really nothing wrong, she would have just said it..instead of leaving me like this.

I am so scared that there's something serious going on with me and I can't shake these thoughts off. I am starting a graduate program abroad in a couple of months and besides all the stress that I have getting ready to start my life in a new country, now I have to be worrying about this.

I am sorry to be telling you all of this but I feel like this is the only place where other people can really understand how I am feeling. Btw, I am getting the results tomorrow..

Anyone else who has experienced something similar in the past?
Thank you very much for just taking the time to read this.

17-07-18, 08:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
