View Full Version : Longtime health anxiety and panic, new here

Panic at the disco
05-12-15, 02:39
Hi everyone. I have anxiety related to health issues, aka hypochondriac. I hate that word though, i always thought hypochondriacs just wanted attention or drugs etc. I now know firsthand that is totally not true.

For about 5 years now I have had anxiety every single day, the panic attacks come and go, sometimes months go by before I get one. It started with GI issues, I was vomiting almost everyday, diarreah and constant stomach pains. I began to develop extreme anxiety over these issues, I couldn't sleep, felt like my limbs were numb, constantly thought I was having a heart attack, cancer, any worse case scenario. I was diagnosed with a crappy gallbladder, and they removed it. My doctor gave me meds for the anxiety, which I hated the side effects of. (This is another issue with me, I will try any pill the doctor prescribes but just taking the pill nearly gives me a panic attack, I then start thinking I'm having a bad reaction to the pills etc and I stop taking them.) I'm still not sure if I need drugs to treat this, just thinking about taking them makes me anxious! Grrr!:doh:

So anyways the gallbladder came out, you'd hope I feel amazing right after recovery! Nope. Turns out I'm mildly allergic to anesthesia and instead of being an out patient half day procedure, I was in the hospital for 3 days vomiting my brains out with fresh stitches in my belly. At that point my anxiety was through the roof. The surgery helped me with the pain in my abdomen and my appetite, but I still have constant diarreah that gives me anxiety.( are we seeing a theme here? Anxiety much?)

Anywho, I coughed in the shower 3 days ago and pulled a muscle so bad I couldn't walk. Yes, I COUGHED and pulled a muscle so bad I couldn't walk. It still hurts like hell, and of course here I sit 3 days later anxious as ever, back is hurting super bad still, thinking the worse. This is why I'm here now.

If you took the time to read this, thank you:yesyes:
It's nice to find a forum that will help calm me down and reassure me that I'm not the only one going through this! I know I'm not crazy im just wired to worry!

05-12-15, 02:45
Hiya Panic at the disco and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-12-15, 03:04
5 years? Jesus! Sounds like t has been rough for you.

07-12-15, 13:22
Hi panic at the disco,you are in good company here and you are right hypochondria is not funny.I have suffered the agony of it from a young age i am now 69 and i am no nearer to finding a cure than when i started.I am on meds tried cbt,hypnotherapy,acupuncture,and i am also in therapy.i understand your fears fully,my therapist says i have to live each day,because no one knows the future,or would really want to.Easier said than done,when you think you have every cancer under the sun.But i find talking helps a little to other sufferers,it makes you feel not so lonely.So if i can help in any way i will.Best wishes to you geezer