View Full Version : CBT question

05-12-15, 09:30
Hi I had CBT about 8 years ago, I received 10 sessions where I met a therapist once a month and we spoke face to face for about an hour. I have been referred for another course, but this time telephone based starting with an assessment. Is this a new thing and is it as good as face to face ? I'm not nervous about speaking on the phone , but it does worry me that I cannot see the other persons expressions etc. My GP feels this is the quickest way for me to start the CBT. I have been referred for severe HA . Thanks for reading.

06-12-15, 07:52
Hi Alma,

Are you actually having the therapy by phone or is it just an assessment?

I have seen others on here having telephone therapy and it was a new scheme to get quicker access. It looked good because it had a 24 hour support role too but not sure if yours is the same thing.

According to NICE (as accepted by the NHS too) online CCBT has evidence to support it being as successful as face-to-face therapy provided there is remote support by a therapy, or more likely some form of key worker which is how one of the NHS CCBT versions works.

So, if online can be, telephone could be too. The difference, I think, with online is that it can be much more detailed in terms of what you get to learn but it does have a major disadvantage in that it's not tailored to your needs.

I guess it will come down to what you need to most between things like that but whether face-to-face or remote via phone, you do have the tailoring.

The NHS is playing catch up on the private sector. The private therapists have been doing things like Skype for ages. This is good because it means you can choose anyone and not be tied down to local therapists.

06-12-15, 14:34
Thanks for your reply Terry, as far as I know it is telephone based therapy this is due to waiting times in my area which are quite long. I will try and get a bit more info off my GP. Thanks for the additional info and thinking about it I suppose I could cope quite well with telephone based therapy. Take Care