View Full Version : Strange Panic feeling

05-12-15, 10:24
We had a massive storm last night in the North of England and one of the shed windows had blown out so this morning I have been spending the last hour battling against the wind trying to panel up the broken window. After finally getting it done I am now left with a panicky feeling in my chest and stomach it's like I am about to jump out of an aeroplane feeling. My breath also feels a short.
Does anybody else feel like this after doing a bit of strenuous work?

05-12-15, 10:55
Yes, all of the time. My partner is a fitness fanatic and he's like that when he returns from his classes, difference is he isn't anxious so he actually enjoys that feeling! I believe it's something to do with adrenaline.
I'm in North East and the wind is horrible.

05-12-15, 10:58
Same here Traceypo I'm in a little village called Skelton. I remember enjoying feeling the adrenaline before but now it's so bad! I wish I could go back to my previous less anxious self :/

05-12-15, 11:05
Me too, when my partner is like that, I look at him and think he's mad for not only loving that feeling, but doing it to himself in the first place.
I envy him, because I remember a life before anxiety, I remember when natural bodily sensations never caused me any concern.
Hope you're feeling calmer.

05-12-15, 11:34
Very windy here too!