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View Full Version : Weird drugs coctail Mirtazipine+Fluanxol

05-12-15, 12:55
Hi everybody,
I'm taking this strange coctail of meds - Mirtazipine 30 mg before bed and 0,5 mg Fluanxol in the morning, that is supposed to treat me for depression and GAD caused by my hyperosmia (hightened sense of smell). The problem is that I read possible side effects for Fluanxol and one of them is amenorhea or s.g. meaning your periods can stop. I'm 46 years now, still hoping to become a mother one day (please, don't laugh and don't tell me it's too late) So, I stopped Fluanxol after experiencing severe pain for about 3-4 days in a row in my lower abdomen, the area where my ovaries are located. I replaced it with 15 mg Mirtazipine in the mornings. Please, anyone outthere having similar issues? I'm very much worried how Fluanxol will affect my reproductive system. Probably I have to contact my doc about it, but she's not avaliable till end of the year. Do you think I made the right decision? Thank you and take care