View Full Version : How to tell myself I'm being stupid? Am I being stupid?

05-12-15, 14:27
First of all, read this http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=177151

It's so hard at the moment for me because I know I'm being stupid but I can't convince myself that I am.. I know the cough is getting less and less but what the hell is wrong with me? I just want to cry because I keep thinking the worst.. like earlier my mum came in with her hair in a towel and it looked like she had a bald head and I just broke down crying thinking that's what's gonna happen in a few months or years if she went through chemo. Can someone tell me I'm being such a goddamn idiot?

05-12-15, 14:47
You care about your mum. You don't want anything to happen to her. That's not stupid.

You sound a little like you're panicking. Perhaps you need to step away from the computer and go for a walk?

05-12-15, 15:00
We are not medical professionals, most on here, are here because they have / had suffered with health anxiety. Many of us are at different stages of our anxiety journey, but I imagine most of us have also been where you are now and recognise the negative and upsetting behaviours that you are going through now.
My advice to you is this, come off the forum for a while, it's not helping you, you are not being reassured by anything anyone has to say, and by asking the same questions you are keeping yourself in a high state of anxiety which isn't good for you or your mum.
Stay off Google, there is a lot of information on the Internet, but, the Internet can't examine your mum, nor does it know your mum's history, family history etc.
Trust that your mum is an adult and is responsible for her own health. She's been to the Doctor, and her doctor is not concerned.
Living with someone with anxiety can be exhausting, I know this because there's times I've wore down those closest to me. Your mum is probably very worried about you too, which may make her tired.
Please go back to your Gp, show them what you've posted so they have an understanding of how severe your anxiety is and how it's impacting on you.
I know you're very worried about your mum, but you have to trust her to take care of herself.
Please go away from here for a while, listen to some music, get out for a bit, do anything to take your mind away from worry.