View Full Version : having more positive days

06-12-15, 11:20
This week iv noticed iv felt more positive again,iv felt more relaxed and able to talk to people..also my craving for food has realy faded.im finding myself only needing to eat about 1000 cal a day...just not feeling that hungry at all..every day i get up and see myself in the mirror,im loosing weight daily,realy notice it.my jeans are now to big for me they fall down.its only been a few weeks of cutting down 1/8th of olanzipine but thigs are changing..iv lost a stone in 4 weeks without exorsize.this is great,i was 15st and now 14st and seem to be shedding weight by the day...this is making me feel good inside and giving me some confedance back

06-12-15, 11:51
I'm so pleased for you, Greg. It must have been miserable for you carrying around all that excess weight with no real benefit to your mental health. You'll have more energy and motivation now and it must give you a real boost to have lost the excess baggage with little effort.

06-12-15, 12:48
So happy for you :)

06-12-15, 15:40
Good for you. It is good to hear a success story.

06-12-15, 19:27
Thanks guys..yep looking forward to more good days to come.:shades:

06-12-15, 20:57
I had a pretty good day today. I was able to eat and have been 'normal' for a few hours. I can feel the 'darkness' just floating under the surface though...I hope I can keep it away.

06-12-15, 22:44
Glad to hear your having a ok day urusainaa...i know what you meen about feeling the darkness being around the corner..my good day run came to a end tonight ....around 6pm i lost that feeling of relaxation and just like a lightswitch,the doom and gloom just all came back on me,for no reason at all and i have felt depressed and anxious and hyper aware of everything...dam...new it was to good to last..im trying to focus on xmas as i have many good plans,but its not lifting my mood...hopefully tomorow ill feel better again

06-12-15, 23:01
Oh dear...I'm really sorry to hear that. :(

Maybe after a good sleep you'll feel better?

06-12-15, 23:26
Yea i hope so.....tomorow is another day..

07-12-15, 06:01
It's great to hear you are having more good days, Greg. We told you they would come and now you can experience them for yourself.

You may feel the drop back down from them more earlier on but as you get more used to mood changes it will become easier.

Could it even be blood sugar changes? Your calorie intake is really low. Well done on losing the weight though and thats 3 people now on here that have dropped this med from 5mg to find their ravenous appetite go away so it seems this one is more about the dosage than anything. Long term, you want to get your calories up though but you were a gym bunny so you know all the blurb about that stuff.

07-12-15, 11:59
Thanks terry......im just trying to loose a few quick pounds before xmas as i want to get into smaller jeans and a nice top,rather than X large clothes.im looking forwar to the next two weeks to go by as i plan on treeting myself to them and feel good about myself...i will up my cal intake again but just dont feel that hungry to be honest mate...i seem to have a bowl of cornfakes in the morning,then around 2pm a apple and a banana,then evening time a small healthy meal..it all comes in under 1000 kal cant see where eles i can give myself more cal...i will keep a eye on it tho...as you said,iv done this before several times through my life,being in and out of the gym and healthy foods...plus with xmas on my door step im going to put on a few pounds again...its just given me something to focus on each day,im watching my body change each week and enjoying the weight loss....see how things go mate

07-12-15, 12:21
Yeah, definately. Losing the weight is a massive bonus and you will feel so much better physicall & mentally. Seeing real progress in that area on you of the rest is only going to keep you moving in the right direction mate.

If you were starving yourself to be the next Cheryl Cole-Whateverhernameis, it would a yo-yo, but maybe it's just part of coming off that stuff and your body shedding the weight to adjust? It's a good withdrawal effect though!

07-12-15, 13:55
Lol..yea not yo yo mate..i feel what im eating each day is enough for me.im not forcing myself each day and sitting there at night starving.im just eating what my body is happy with each day so feel this is my new eating habbits now..i never realy used to eat much before this med anyway..but since being on it,i was always hungry and would eat huge portions of every food,then up the shop for sweets and crap most days,and often had takaways esp at the weekend.but now i dont crave for these foods and feel satisfied with what im eating.so i think this will be fine mate