View Full Version : Shingles?

06-12-15, 12:33
Hi all

Last week I was off with a bad chest infection. I needed antibiotics and steroids (due to being asthmatic) I was very poorly/weak with swollen lymph nodes in my neck but feel MUCH better now...

However, my HA is peeking it's ugly little face around the corner at me again... in the form of good old cancer fears :( (for years I have been terrified I have an undetected cancer somewhere in my body)

I had shingles back in February this year. It set my HA off big time cause the dr mentioned about it being due to me having a weak immune system and he suggested blood tests which in the end we both decided against cause waiting for results is a big anxiety trigger for me. Anyway I got better from it. End of.

Anyway, for the past week or so, maybe 2 weeks I have had achiness round my flanks (similar to what I had last time I had shingles) and a few days ago I noticed an itchy bump on my ribs! there is only one bump, but it itches/burns the same way shingles did and looks like how the shingles looked before (except there is only one bump)

Now I am freaking out cause I am worried there is something wrong with my immune system :( I am scared to see the dr incase they suggest blood tests (I dont want them unless the dr says its strictly necessary!)

I have already had loads of time off work with my chest infection and I am panicking now that I am going to need more time off! I have a big thing on for work this week and I can't be off.

Getting in a funk now thinking I have shingles and I am going to be ill over Christmas :(

I really, really hope this isn't shingles again!

aaaaarrrggghhhhhhhh :(

06-12-15, 20:05
I don't know why your doctor said that. I got shingles when I was 23 and my brother had them at 20. I was perhaps run down with anxiety at the time but I was in very good health. I've had two kids since then and lots of blood tests and my brother is very healthy. You are unlikely to get shingles again and it doesn't sound like shingles to me any way, more spots would have come out by now. Some people do get reoccurrences though, especially on their period so don't panic if you do! I used to worry about it too but if you do, just means your anxiety is causing stress on your body X