View Full Version : websites to avoid?

06-12-15, 14:20
Like with all medical/health issues there are a lot of snake oil salesman out there I would imagine.

does anyone have a list of websites I could trust for anxiety advice?

for instance:


Probably don't trust:

06-12-15, 14:43
My honest advice? if you're feeling anxious, just dont read! You may go looking for reassurance but the nature of the beast means that 9 times out of 10 we pick up on the one negative comment and run with it - doesnt matter how accurate or well written. The best place for medical advice is your GP, trust me, Ive dont it a 1000 times, it really never helps or at least not for me :wacko:

06-12-15, 15:18
You can self refer online for group cbt based counselling with rethink.org ,I did an 8 week course which was very good
Mind are good to chat to on the phone they have trained people in MH and good in a crisis

06-12-15, 15:20
I'd look first at the MIND website

06-12-15, 17:09
Thanks guys

07-12-15, 04:45
Ones by reputable medical professionals. There are always going to be some though that have their own ideas but if you see them veering off away from the mainstream, you have to then do your research to check what they are saying.

Like the above though really. NHS can be very patchy when it comes to information as they keep it light so anyone can understand it but they do have their evidence base which gives a lot more info. The NICE website can give you all of that without Googling.

In terms of OCD, the charities are good but light on real hard info, but I have found Steve Seay's articles very good. There are some charities run by medical professionals too.

Rpsych may be useful to you as well. I think I posted you some downloadable tools on one of your other threads and that came from a reputable medical professional website in Australia which I would recommend.

When it comes to avoid, anything "guru" unless you are prepared to sift out the good things they say from the absolute rubbish. The one that instantly springs to mind is one we can't discuss on here anymore but look on the Admin board for a thread by Nomorepanic from last year with "method" in it's title. That person has over 40 websites in place.

07-12-15, 08:25

These health gurus. They're like vultures.