View Full Version : Anxiety Set Back

06-12-15, 16:14
Recently came of meds the first time in around 4 years (slowly) been off them about 5 weeks and Anxiety came back strongly on Friday night and yesterday.

I was home alone on Friday, I didn't now what to do with myself, pacing around the house, I even logged onto the chat room at 4.15am, no one around. I had no sleep at all. Felt pretty shattered that I went to bed at 5 last night and stopped in bed until 12 today.

To be fair, I had been having a stressful time with work (I run my own business), so I think I just got to the over load point.

But if I look back at my time on the meds, things were pretty stable, I have manage to start and grow a business, moved into premises etc etc

Still, you can read all the self help and listen to the relaxation techniques, but for me the rational just seems to go out of the window when the anxiety becomes strong that I find it hard to get control and turn it off (anyone have any good techniques for this?)

What I find for me is if I have a bigger episode I become very sensitive to feeling anxious (anyone the same?) Felt a little to day, but more just really tired. My problem is I find it hard to turn off, I need to be doing something to distract me (like typing this), I do swim regularly which helps keep the stress levels down.

I do wonder if this will always be with me in one form or another. Thinking maybe a return to the docs for a chat.

06-12-15, 16:43
At least you know the signs now mikey and can take action,running your own business in this day and age can't be easy.A trip to your GP should put your mind at rest,good luck

06-12-15, 16:51
You're really not alone. Im in a setback myself, I recovered without Meds, and have been anxiety free for a good number of years. Much like yourself I built a business, everything seemed tickety boo.

Out of nowhere, we had 3 months of stress beyond my control, a family death being the breaking moment. Started to recognise the symptoms and before I knew it I was back in the cycle. Im back in counselling and Im seeing a Psychologist tomorrow to try to iron out some underlying triggers that have never been dealt with - in fact they were never actually identified in counselling previously.

We all get anxious sensations during times of stress, for most the stress goes away and the anxious feelings with it, thats how it should be. I think though once you have been through problematic anxiety, you become overly sensitive of the sensations - we no longer think ohh Im feeling this because Ive had a stressfull week at work, for us, or certainly for me, anxious feelings equate to a time of feeling like I was loosing it, scared and out of control. Thats exactly where the trigger rests for me, despite having a break for all those years, the relationship between the feelings and the memories were still strong.

Reminding myself that these feelings are simply stress and nothing sinister has been helpful, as has distraction. Its a question of breaking the cycle again ;)

07-12-15, 14:41

I'm sorry to hear about your most recent anxiety setback. Before anything else I would just like to tell you that I think you're doing the right thing with your medications. You shouldn't depend on them but I think your doctor should have a say on when you can taper down on your meds. It would be better if you ask his permission.

The second thing is, If you're not under counseling then try and find one. Counseling is a very helpful treatment for any mental health issues and anxiety problems are no exceptions. It will also be helpful in learning how to cope with stress so as not to aggravate your anxiety.

You're already doing the right things, you've read about self help and relaxation techniques. If your condition doesn't improve or as you've said when your anxiety becomes strong and out of control, all you need to do is to trust those treatment regimens be patient. Treatments does really work but it needs proper application and dedication

07-12-15, 21:18
Does anyone also get the fleeting thought of what if I am anxious, thinking of future events.

Also I find I don't want to eat either, just small bland things.
Water and camomile tea

08-12-15, 08:02
Absolutely, anticipation plays a major part in anxiety, finding ways to answer those 'what if's' with a logical response takes practice but its a skill worth learning.

As for diet, yes! Ive had days where a literally survive on snacks. Adrenalin changes the way our body responds short term, this will settle when the anxiety drops :)