View Full Version : Wisdom tooth fear

06-12-15, 16:16
Before I start, I have a massive fear of dentists and I've not been since I turned 18 and my parents couldn't make me go anymore.

The only treatment I've ever had at the dentist is a clean and even then I cried and screamed through it when I was about 14. I'm now 21 and I can feel a bump at the very top right of my gum which seems like a wisdom tooth about to come through. I'm absolutely terrified it's a wisdom tooth that will need removing, there's no pain or anything but I'm so scared :scared10:

The teeth at the top of my jaw have all come through, even though I still have a baby tooth in front of my canine however the my molars at the bottom have come through but they sit quite low if you know what I mean, on one side it's like it's not come through the gum properly. I don't think there's any coming through on the bottom of my jaw but there's defo something on the top right, it seems in quite good space and doesn't seem close to my other teeth but I'm still really worried about needing dental surgery!!

Even going the dentist as a kid for a check up used to make me anxious for weeks and I'd burst into tears when we went in.

Should I be worried I'll need it removing??

06-12-15, 17:23
I've never needed wisdom teeth removing and I've known very few people who have needed them removing.
However, that said, dental care is very important as a preventative for larger problems.
Most dentists are trained to deal with anxiety, fear of the dentist is common.
It may be worth registering with a dentist who is recommended, then make an appointment. They will not do any treatment at all without your permission. Let them know your fears, I worked with a female who was terrified of dentists, we went together over a period of time, the dentist would explain everything they were doing, let her feel the equipment and explained what they were used for. This worked for her and eventually progressed to having treatment comfortably.
Good luck xxx

06-12-15, 17:41
Thanks for the advice :)

My parents reinforced the message of looking after my teeth by telling me about the horrors of 'drill and fill' it made me so nervous to go the dentist, luckily I do keep my teeth in decent condition. After having a few cleans I got a bit more used to it and didn't panic as much, just hoping I won't need anything more serious than a clean if I ever go the dentist again

06-12-15, 18:04
I had 3 of my four removed at once. I was eating soup by the evening and fine the next day. Gums have an incredible healing speed.

06-12-15, 18:16
I understand your fear. I hate the dentist too, and battle anxiety, but go anyway as I don't want to end up with more anxiety from more in depth treatment, so it is a means to an end for me personally.

I have had 3 wisdom teeth out, all under just a local in my dentists' surgery, and what made it worse for me is they were ALL really badly shaped and a nightmare to remove, but this is not normally the case. Most wisdoms (as yours sounds) erupt (come through the gum and move down/up) in the correct manner, and as long as they are well taken care of (VERY well taken care of, by flossing and good cleaning) they won't need removing, but it is the partially erupted (half in and half out of the gum) that can be a problem, as they are difficult to keep clean, so are more at risk of needing removing.

My final wisdom is like that - half in and half out, and I was so stressed when I was once again recommended to have it removed, this time under sedation at my local hospital, but when I went for the consultation, the doctor said he would not even think of touching it, as the risks outweighed the benefits (possible damage to the facial nerve.....if the tooth is deep in the bone this can happen) and he just advised me to keep it as clean as possible and leave it be.

Anyway, what I am trying to say by telling you all of this is that I have just been unlucky with my wisdoms and this final wisdom is a nightmare one too, but as bad as it is, the doctor would not remove it, so wisdom teeth do not always HAVE to come out. Many do not, especially the ones that erupt correctly/don't erupt at all, and most crucially, do not give you any problems or are not hugely decayed, as that is good reason why a dentist woud suggest an extraction, so try not to be too anxious about that.

I agree also that many dentists are trained and skilled in dealing with anxious patients these days, as anxiety at the dentist is a very common thing.

06-12-15, 19:24
I've had my wisdom teeth removed, other extractions and dental work. While I'm not dental phobic, I certainly don't care for going to the dentist. I don't know of anyone that is. Most dentists are quite aware of patients with anxiety and phobias so bringing it up will help. There are ways to help you relax (drugs/gas) and truly, you won't feel a thing. If you want a laugh, look up people coming out of wisdom teeth removal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgB2ziyAteI) on YouTube.

When I had my wisdom teeth removed I was so numb that I felt nothing at all and I had a prescription for pain meds when the Novocaine wore off. It's really not as bad as your mind is imagining and your dental health is of utmost importance.

Positive thoughst

06-12-15, 20:29
I have 3 wisdom teeth, all coming through at once and have been moving gradually for the last 2 years! My dentist has seen them and as long as I don't get 2 infections in a row, he won't be removing them. My dentist says they only remove teeth now when they really really have to - when it's causing heaps of pain or deforming the rest of your jaw. So just because you have wisdom teeth, it doesn't automatically mean they need removed! Every time I go to the dentist I think, 'oh this is it, I bet they need to come out this time..' But he's happy enough with them!

But I also used to hate the dentist. I still don't really like it (who does) but I go yearly and my teeth are fine!

09-12-15, 12:08
That makes me feel a bit better, every time I hear of wisdom teeth it's nearly always removal