View Full Version : I need to be signed off work. Please help me

07-12-15, 01:55
25 weeks pregnant here and since Thursday night I've managed eight hours sleep. Broken sleep. I managed to sleep between 10-12 roughly then up until four am before I can sleep again.
I leave for work at 7am and get home at 5:45pm and I can't do it. Im in tears, tonight since 9:30pm I've managed two one hour naps.

I've tried bananas, warm milk, I've cut out all caffeine (no tea, coffee, cola, chocolate etc), relaxation music and tapes, no laptops etc before bed. I can't sleep!!! I'm vomiting from the morning sickness still and tiredness is making it worse.
I've got restless legs at night in bed. The calf feels like I have to move it all the time and I can't resist the urge to, I get up walk about and as soon as I lie down bam their it is again.

I'm terrified of being signed off as oh will still be working, what happens if I faint and hurt my self or the baby?? Please help I'm desperate this is leaving me lifeless

07-12-15, 02:06
Is there anyone you can call? Family, friends? Your baby's father? It really sounds like you need real life support. Something above and beyond what this forum and the virtual world can provide.

I hope you find some relief from your worries.

Positive thoughts

07-12-15, 02:07
My boyfriend (baby's father) is with me now. He leaves for work at 7am though.

I'm terrified of passing out but I can't sleep

07-12-15, 02:53
My boyfriend (baby's father) is with me now. He leaves for work at 7am though.

I'm terrified of passing out but I can't sleep

Why not log off and spend time with him before he has to go to work? Certainly that would be more reassuring than waiting for replies on an internet forum.

Positive thoughts

07-12-15, 18:05
GP wouldnt sign me off.

Four hours sleep since waking up sunday.
Will I die. faint? is it only a matter of time. my head is spinning. the world is a fog. anyone to talk to please.

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

Doctors appointment this morning went like this no medication can be given to help me sleep except my phenergan which i had been using for morning sickness but as this is a anti-histamine this could make my restless legs even worse. She just said my body will eventually be so tired it'll sleep. it doesn't feel like it. I survived last night by sleeping 10:30-11:45 (I think- i'm so tired i don't even remember) then must of been 4:30 ish to 6:15 ish then 7:15 ish to 7:45ish so this what 3.5 hours sleep and I tried napping three times today and I managed an hour before I was up again. She said I wont faints my body will sleep before then but I don't believe this. I went for a walk around the block and everything feels like a fog. I don't trust my self to cross the road. It feels like people are trying to walk into me etc. I feel weird. I don't feel right. My heart rate at the surgery was 121 bpm and blood pressure was 126 over 96 which is ever so slightly high. We also talked about my anxiety and stress. I had a tear running out my eye when I said " I just can't do this, please help me get better " she gave me a helpline to phone. I also phoned Samaritans today. She checked I am not dehydrated from the vomiting and I am not which is good

The GP did not sign me off she thinks its better I am kept busy. My OH works with me to and my boss for once has been really nice. His told OH he knows i'm not taking the mickey with my sick days and I am genuinely ill and his willing to pay up to 20 days minimum full pay if I get signed off. I will be working tomorrow but I think I need to ask about extended breaks and have a good chat as I don't want to be making silly mistakes at work as I am tired.

---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

Anyone please?

07-12-15, 18:59
Can you have a sickie?

07-12-15, 21:32
I did today.
I'm so weak.

---------- Post added at 21:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:22 ----------

Anyone else please

07-12-15, 22:23
Stress and anxiety are likely playing a large part in you not being able to sleep. If you worry that you won't be able to sleep, that's when your body won't switch off.

I'm not sure what we can do to help you. I would say go to bed and don't worry about whether you'll be able to sleep or not. The frustration of thinking about it will keep you up. I heard that doing the opposite can help - i.e. try to stay awake, make that your focus and your body might just give up and fall asleep!

08-12-15, 03:22
Try melatonin, low 3mg dose. It actually does help with sleep and it is natural

08-12-15, 04:51
Try melatonin, low 3mg dose. It actually does help with sleep and it is natural

Sadly it's a prescription medicine in the UK so you can't buy it. There are ways to get it in though as some US companies will send it here (some won't) but if Customs realise what it is, they will confiscate it.

However, I've read that Melatonin is high in Montmorency cherries and some people are using those drinks/supplements for that purpose. That might be worth a look, but it has to be this type of cherry, not any other variety.

08-12-15, 11:16
I am surprised the gp would not sign you off. You are obviously struggling and need some rest and time to take care of yourself. Can you go and see someone else in the practice? Make another appointment with your gp or someone else. When they see how bad you are surely they will sign you off. I've been to my own gp's in the past in tears and they were forcing sick notes onto me.

08-12-15, 11:35
From my experience you need to self certificate for a week then go to the doctor to be signed off, this could be why the doctor didn't do it when you saw them before. Also, doctors can charge for sick notes if you go to them before the 7 days is up. https://www.gov.uk/taking-sick-leave

Hope you feel better soon x