View Full Version : Coping strategies for when you're actually sick

07-12-15, 07:48
I don't come here as often as I used to.
But I always find myself hovering around here a lot more at this time of year. I HATE this time of year.

This is mainly due to the fact that the world and his wife seem to get sick and enjoy spreading their germs by sitting next to me on the bus and coughing into my personal space. Or coming into the office and spreading their germs on every shared surface imaginable.

I get very very anxious about colds/coughs/flu - it's one of my things.

I had a particularly nasty chest infection at Christmas 2011 where it turned into pneumonia and I was ill for a while.

Since then I kept getting nasty chest infections which they told me was asthma.

I then went to see a chest physician who did blood tests, chest X-ray and lung function tests and told me it wasn't asthma and that my lungs functioned fine and the only explanation they found was that I had low immunity to the pneumococcal bug.

So this year I've had my usual flu jab PLUS the pneumonia jab. I've got a blood test booked for 21st December to check my immunity again.

Then last week I develop a cold sore (this is always the first sign for me) and I start to get extreme sinus pain in my face.
Fast forward to Thursday just gone I start to really feel it. My throat feels like I've swallowed broken glass. My head starts to feel hot.

So this weekend I've been bedridden, nearly passing out with sinus pressure every time I blow my nose and basically planning my funeral. There is horrible green gunk. I feel bloody rotten and my anxiety has gone sky high because I'm absolutely paranoid of it turning into a chest infection. Which it probably already has and now I'm freaking out again.

I'm trying my best to be rational but Its slowly creeping in and I'm finding myself being more and more ridiculous.

Anyone have any tips?

I'm not going to go into work. I'm wrapped up with hot water honey and lemon. Watching Christmas films and trying to distract myself as best I can but that fear of it spreading To my chest creeps in and I don't know whether to go to the docotor or not! Arghhh

07-12-15, 08:27
Hi hun, understand how you feel, I too fear being ill because it sets my anxiety into overdrive. I also had pneumonia back in 2004, I've never had it since though.
The way I cope is by comparing myself to everyone else, I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't get the sniffles or a cough in the winter. My very healthy children can also be struck down with them.
As for the sinus pain, I've found vicks sinus spray to be a godsend, it actually takes the pain away.
I get the dreaded coldsores, use it as a sign to slow down and rest.

---------- Post added at 08:27 ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 ----------

Also, are you coughing up the dreadful green stuff, usually a sure sign of a chest infection.
If so, go to the Docs and get your chest checked, my pneumonia was a case of me being young and not taking care of myself, if I'd got antibiotics in the early stages it's unlikely it would have developed.