View Full Version : Success Stories

19-02-07, 23:55
Hi there,

I wanted to find some people who no longer suffer from Panic Attacks and I wanted to find out how you have achieved your goal. So anyone please post as I am interested in maybe talking to you also.


Granny Primark
20-02-07, 20:06
Hi Ben,
I havent beaten them, to be honest i think they will always be a part of my life now.
But I have accepted them and no longer fear them the way I used to.
Its a slow process and I just make small goals for myself to achieve.

Take care

20-02-07, 20:14
Read My Story on the left of the screen - the website page.

Diet and exercise and lots of hard work - very hard work!

22-02-07, 23:07
Hi Nicola,

I have read your story and it sounds like you have been on a long journey. I too have suffered in the past and no longer suffer and that is a result of changing my entire life and lifestyle. It is fascinating what can happen when someone is dedicated. I have actually written a book on how I have succeeded in this. I truly believe that if someone is dedicated enough then they will find a solution. My focus is to find people who are completely Panic Free. Having them sometimes is not panic Free for me.

What is interesting is that in a strange kind of way people get something from suffering, they meet a certain human need from suffering. Mostly it is a way of recieving love or significance and it becomes such a familiar pattern in their life and they believe there is no other way. They become so convinced that they give up the search and rely on the so called experts. I have found in my journey that the only expert in my life is me and no drug or person or outside event can change me. People seem so convinced that this is it and this is as good as life gets. I sit here and am saddened by this as all it takes really is looking and seeking new knowledge, and seeing where other people have succeeded and then applying it in ones own life....

I know that you will succeed 100% soon and believe that if you really want to then you will get past this hurdle as life is truly wonderful without such burdens and opens so many incredibnle doors. I would be happy to offer you my book for free if you are dedicated enough to apply what I teach and would also love a testimonial from you.

01-03-07, 14:21

I am more than happy to look at the book if you would like me to. Let me know.