View Full Version : Hello!

07-12-15, 18:24
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to check in and spread a bit of Christmas spirit around!
As some of you know I had a rough few months this year, my insomnia was chronic and had an awful time on the pills I was given. My anxiety was through the roof and I really couldn't see an end in sight.

Well, although I occasionally have the odd blip with sleeping, I now know that's all it is, a blip. I have been practising mindfulness and meditation almost daily and still go for cbt but I no longer talk about sleep!

So why am I posting? Well I want to tell you all that you are wonderful, valued human beings and that whatever you are going through now it is temporary! Even if you have suffered for years, your time will come! Anxiety is NOT the default, NOT the natural state and you WILL get back to being you again, the real you that takes an interest in things without questioning whether you'll be ok or what if this and that, how do I feel oh no I couldn't possibly... You CAN and WILL be ok!!

I used to read posts like this and think yeah right, when? But now here I am, stronger than ever before because of what I've been through!

So as the song goes, have yourselves a merry little Christmas, because you are worth it!

Ps I have to say huge thanks to Terry, Greg & Mr Andy amongst others who supported me hugely on here when I was suffering. I do not underestimate the power of this site because I never for one minute felt I had to cope alone. Now, pass me a hanky, I made myself cry! :hugs::hugs:

07-12-15, 18:31
Have a very Merry Christmas yourself, I am new to this site but not new to anxiety, so far I have found it very valuable and hope to be able to overcome my anxiety and have a happier life

Take care


07-12-15, 18:47
Hi Chocolateface (great name!)

I have been what I would describe as a moderately anxious person all my life, never to the extremes I had this year. But boy have a learnt a lot this last 10 months!

Most importantly I have learnt that I actually can control my thoughts. I can get back to basic me with 5 senses and note when/what I'm thinking or feeling. And i am aware when I do this that I am shaping how I react to these thoughts and feelings. So I tell myself that I am ok, nothing bad is happening, life is good, I have this, that and the other, etc and before I know it I've forgotten that I was beginning to feel bad and I'm going about my day.

It isn't easy, but surrounding yourself by happy, positive or simply non-judgemental, caring people really helps to give you the courage to do it.

I hope that makes sense, well it does to me!
This site rocks! :yesyes:

07-12-15, 22:01
Just wanted to say thank you. Your post made me cry Crystal.

I am at the bottom of a very deep hole , and seeing such an honest and positive message is so encouraging.

I hope you continue to be well :)

07-12-15, 22:32
Thanks for this message. Good to know!

I've had/ am having a really rough time of it recently so it's reassuring.

08-12-15, 04:46
Thanks Crystal, I really appreciate that! I'm glad if I could ever help.

It's good to hear you are doing well. You've had a couple of short wobbles since but it feels like you now understand that whilst they are unpleasant, they are short and not indicators of any pattern that could mean returning to those dark times. I'm glad to read this as this issue is part of the battle with anxiety to prevent adding negative thinking on top so it gets worse.

Well done!!! :yesyes::yahoo:

P.S. don't forget the cycling. :D

08-12-15, 09:06
Ohh chrystal ao glad to hear you are doing well after all you have been through..its a lovely post of hope for us all.keep positive and have a lovely christmas yourself..x

08-12-15, 13:47
Just wanted to say thank you. Your post made me cry Crystal.

I am at the bottom of a very deep hole , and seeing such an honest and positive message is so encouraging.

I hope you continue to be well :)

Thank you Carolin

I always remember Sephen Hawking saying "where there is life, there is hope" and it's true. You are alive. And you WILL get better! Xxx

---------- Post added at 13:42 ---------- Previous post was at 13:40 ----------

Thanks for this message. Good to know!

I've had/ am having a really rough time of it recently so it's reassuring.

Yes please do be reassured. We all have ups and downs and nothing is a perfectly smooth ride for anyone, but we can learn to cope with it and consequently we come through it. Take care. Xx

---------- Post added at 13:44 ---------- Previous post was at 13:42 ----------

Thanks Crystal, I really appreciate that! I'm glad if I could ever help.

It's good to hear you are doing well. You've had a couple of short wobbles since but it feels like you now understand that whilst they are unpleasant, they are short and not indicators of any pattern that could mean returning to those dark times. I'm glad to read this as this issue is part of the battle with anxiety to prevent adding negative thinking on top so it gets worse.

Well done!!! :yesyes::yahoo:

P.S. don't forget the cycling. :D

Terry you helped massively thank you!

Yes occasionally I have a blip but I don't worry about it any more and life is so much easier and happier! Still cycling but not as much due to weather and muddy terrain!

How are you these days? Xx

---------- Post added at 13:47 ---------- Previous post was at 13:44 ----------

Ohh chrystal ao glad to hear you are doing well after all you have been through..its a lovely post of hope for us all.keep positive and have a lovely christmas yourself..x

Thank you Greg, I was reading one of your posts earlier, well done on cutting down the meds and losing weight. Consequently you'll prob have more energy and just feel much better in yourself! You're heading in the right direction, keep going and never give up!

Have a fab Christmas! Xx

10-12-15, 09:44
I'm battling on as ever, Crystal, thanks for asking. :flowers:

I'm glad you have the blips under control. It will only improve the more you do this.