View Full Version : Blurred Vision

07-12-15, 18:40
Has anyone else experienced this?

I am 99% certain it is related to blood sugar levels and anxiety. My doctor called it reactive hypoglycemia, but it isn't exactly like what the symptoms are.

It may start out with shakiness or a "hungry" stomach, but often the first symptom that I notice is my vision being distorted. It is like my eyes cannot focus but it is not blurred as in not having my glasses on. It is like the vision is distorted so that focusing is difficult or impossible.

When it first happened more than ten years ago (probably closer to 15) or at least when I first noticed it, then it scared me. Now I know the pattern so I do get a bit anxious but am confident what will happen. I first notice that my eyes are not quite in focus. Then the vision gets distorted to the point that reading is not worth trying. Slowly, it returns to normal. This all lasts about 30 minutes. So far I don't know how to make it go quicker. I usually eat something with more protein and not alot of carbs.

Usually it happens after (1) higher levels of anxiety and (2) a higher carb meal or snack. Just having a higher carb meal or snack doesn't do it by itself. While I can adjust my meals and snacks to prevent it for the most part, occasionally it still happens.

It happened today for the first time in months. It may only happen five or six times a year at most.

It is not related to blood pressure as far as I can tell. I have taken my bp a few times. Today my bp was 132 over 73 and my heart rate was 66 bpm. A little higher than normal on the bp but not significant enough to cause blurred vision.

So have you had it? Would you classify it as a panic attack or reactive hypoglycemia or something else?

09-12-15, 13:49
Still wondering if anyone else experienced this?

This morning, I had some blurred vision when I awoke. IT lasted about thirty minutes. I could tell when I woke up that my stomach felt hungry, and when I looked at things, they weren't quite clear. It was not as bad as two days ago.

It seems to be sometimes a pattern. I can go months without having this, and then have a couple within a few days.

I have had blood sugar tested twice in the last two years and both times were good levels. The only time my level was high was when I weighed alot more and then it was at around 100, which is not really high.

Somehow this is connected to anxiety. I first noticed it almost twenty years ago. And after all of these years, I haven't nailed down what exactly it is or technically causes it beyond what I myself think.

09-12-15, 14:38
Hi I don't know if this helps but I have constant blurred vision and I have done since I started this Anxiety disorder a year ago. Not a day goes by that I can't wear my reading glasses. The optician tells me my sight is ok and that I don't need to wear the glasses constant but trust me I know when I'm not wearing then and it adds to my anxious state of mind.

10-12-15, 16:39
Not sure if it is the same thing that I have.

Mine is more of a visual disturbance. I can see clearly but cannot focus. The edge of my vision has wavy lines that keep moving causing my vision to not focus. The actual item isn't blurred really. It is my ability to focus clearly as my eyes seem to keep wavering.

It is hard to explain.