View Full Version : pls help

08-12-15, 07:22
Guys ive completely freaked out thismorning. My constipation seems to be lingering because i havent been to the toilet in like 10 hours to do anything and im always straining. My thoughts were getting better but now a million percent convinced its cancer inside and ive got a blockage.....why else wouldnt i be able to poo? Im in such a panic, i dont want tests but i know im going to have to have them

Please talk to me if you can

08-12-15, 08:07
Hi Katy

I have had the same problem. Please don't worry about it. I once didn't go for five days because I got myself so worked up about it.

If you are really stressed about it you could try a suppository to get things moving but in the meantime increase your fibre intake so it all goes through from the top down. And drink lots of water. It's really important.

And don't strain, it isn't good for your bowel.

All.the best. It will pass!

09-12-15, 19:47
Hi Katy, did you try using something like squatty potty? (you may have to google it to get the concept) - it gives you more natural position on a toilet, basically you put your legs a bit higher instead of just sitting, so that it's as if you 'squatted'. I am using just a normal little chair to put my legs on but I believe it makes 'things go more smoothly'

09-12-15, 19:49
I put two tall paint tins under my feet that helps