View Full Version : There is always a 'but'

08-12-15, 10:01
Does anyone else do this...

When things are going well and positive, something inside of you pulls you back and you are hit with a 'but....'

For eg.

I am currently sleeping well and normally...instead of feeling like I have turned a corner I have a 'but...what happens when my sleep is crap again as this good spell won't last'

Xmas is coming and I am looking forward to a break...but...'what happens if it's crap, I will be really disapointed'

Work is going well and we are really busy and doing well ...but...'what happens when this good spell dries up'

I find happiness then snatch it away from myself!!

08-12-15, 10:10
I know what you mean. It stops me from enjoying life. Always a "what if this or that happens". Something in my head seems to search around for something to worry about even when things are good. My mind seems to need a reason to worry and wont let me be calm. Its awful.