View Full Version : Any tips for faking?

08-12-15, 11:07
I have relatives visiting and I'm trying to fake it while they're here. Does anyone have any tips?

1. I usually drink and I'm not drinking at all now.
2. I'm usually outgoing and I'm withdrawn
3. I usually smile a lot but I'm quite sullen

Any tips would help!

08-12-15, 11:20
How long are they visiting for. I can usually fake it during the day at work then fall apart when I get home but if they are staying overnight its a bit different.

Would it be out of the question to just have a quiet word with them and tell them you are feeling a bit down? I dont know how close you are to them but people are usually very understanding. I'm a fine one to suggest this however, as I fake it all the time.

09-12-15, 11:45
Sorry to say but I believe you shouldn't be faking - it will only make your anxiety get worse. I used to fake a lot so that at the end of the day I would fall apart just like Humly - now I try to do my best and after that instead of falling apart I look for that one shiny good thing I did - if I find it I write it down. I'm not telling you to drink, quite the opposite as alcohol makes your anxiety worse long-term but if you are not in a mood just look for 2-3 good things you can do and focus on them.

09-12-15, 13:35
I agree with JamesM535 - trying to fake it, and constantly putting on a brave face is exhausting. Even if you cannot be entirely honest about what you are experiencing, perhaps you can tell them that you are on meds for stress and this is impacting on how you behave and the fact that you cannot take alcohol.