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08-12-15, 12:56
I have suffered with twitching for over a year now, more so in my legs. They started after I herniated a disc in my back. I was so scared of ALS I had the EMG testing and it came back fine. It did show that my left leg had nerve damage.... The twitching can get really bad sometimes, I will feel it all up and down my legs like popcorn firing off!!! . My worry lately though has been possible MS? I go back to my neurologist next week to discuss.

Question for you all though, do any of you have severe sleep starts or night jolts? I know many of us get the big jolt when falling asleep which can be very normal. But I also tend to twitch in my sleep. Like Jerk... my arm will jerk, sometimes my belly, my leg. My daughter actually woke me up one night and asked if I was ok. So weird! and super scary of course. The big ones that wake me up, ugh I hate those. But these little ones that aren't waking me have my mind wondering what it could be.

I know I haven't always done this?

Also the leg cramps, I woke up with my foot extended down so the muscle in my calf was cramping, I had to stand up to get it to release. So of course, I think Spastic muscles! Then I start to look at how tired I am, how after having kids my bladder isn't what it used to be and I am just flat out freaked out. I looked up the symptoms and I could have them all (except the loss of vision and numbness).

With this much twitching though, something IS NOT right. :scared15:

08-12-15, 13:28
I twitch randomly all over my body but my calves probably the most. I went through the ALS thing back in July I was terrified! I saw a neuro and he ruled that out which helped me relax and the twitching calmed down a lot.

08-12-15, 13:50
I think ALS and MS are huge triggers for so many of us. I just know something has to be wrong - twitching like this has to be SOMETHING... I just don't know what? I just hate the unknown.

After I had the testing for ALS mine got better. then came back and now my mind is at MS. I looked it up on Google and of course I had almost every symptom. Scary :(

08-12-15, 17:59
I believe it's mentioned a lot on here - a condition called Benign Fasciculation Syndrome.

I (and many many people here) have had similar symptoms to you. Mine have been going on for years, are random and often change. I've been through the MLS / AS scares, but ultimately I've settled on BFS. Or quite simply anxiety. These symptoms can and do happen. If you've had the serious stuff ruled out, then trust that your condition is benign. The symptoms will appear to be FAR less severe once you realize that...

08-12-15, 20:50
Are you on facebook? If so, join the BFS group. Great group of twitchers.

09-12-15, 15:57
I don't so much get twitching but I get this weird really light tickly sensation in my hands and feet. A bit like just after you get pins and needles and it's mostly gone but not quite. I know it sounds really mild but it worries the hell Out of me and I keep zoning in on the sensation.

I was wondering if anyone gets pain in their hands ands arms like when using a computer? Mine is sharp near my wrist and then my arm feels heavy.