View Full Version : Do you ever find that the cure is as bad as the attacks?

20-02-07, 04:28
I find that some of the things I do with my therapist to help me 'cope' give me more panic! Today we did deep breathing and I found myself overcome with anxiety. I find the same thing happens when I listen to 'relaxing' tapes or try to meditate. I am feeling better but it is mostly from knowing there are others like me out there! Thanks guys!:)

20-02-07, 11:02
hi sallad
when i first started doing relaxation techniques my mind would wander terribly, but i was told to expect that reaction, now im much better at relaxing, so your not alone
take care


20-02-07, 12:16
Hi Sallad,

I know what you mean,

Sometimes I find I can over focus on my breathing if that makes sense? With the relaxation I to can find this difficult and try to hard sometimes and end up shouting to myself RELAX which isn't what's supposed to happen really.:sign20:

My trouble is I think far to much I think!:oopsie:

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

Granny Primark
20-02-07, 19:52
I feel exactly the same as pips.
I try too hard to relax then get all panicky cus i cant.
Ive now got loads of relaxation tapes but I find that I relax more to music that I enjoy.

Take care

20-02-07, 20:01
That's interesting. If I try to relax, all I can hear is my heart pounding and beats faster so I have to get up to stop hearing it.

Thought it was just me lol

When people say "just relax" to me, they don't know how hard it is.

I bought a medication kit, but I could not get the hang of it, I just can't seem to focus my mind on relaxing things.
