View Full Version : just the one lymph nodes seems swollen

08-12-15, 19:23
I have posted few days ago,

but just needed a bit more calming down

if I just the 1 lymph nodes swollen, could this be caused by HIV
I know this may have been posted load!

its been like that since day 11 of a protential (high risk).

its now day 25 and still there antibiotics (have eased the swelling but its still there up)
Doctor is sending me for a scan as he thought the antibiotics should have got rid of it.

I know symptoms mean nothing. as you could get hiv and have none.

but if you do get swollen glands is 1 unusal.


will a 28 day instant antibodies test be worth doing or wait for the 6 week mark

as my anxienty is sky high

my mate tried to get me to calm down last night but was a nervous weck.

If I have had symptoms than they have been very very mild
or could have been anxienty

needing extra rest (not sleep as such)
on and off sore throat

I know if I not had the symptoms yet I could still get them up to the 4 week mark!

thanks again for the help.

I know only way to get true result is a test.

12-12-15, 18:33
ok before I put the worries can anyone give me adivce on a posisble cause maybe calming me down so much.

I had a pimple/spot around the place I got the infected swollen lymph node, I decided to pick it, it burst, so I just put my finger on it, to stop the blood flowing, did not clean finger before but took 2-3 mins to stop.
(could this action have made the node do what he does and still here 29 days later?????)

I went for the blood test at day 28 and awaiting results around 5-7 days they believe.

They could not give me a rapid test as the tests where all o.o.d
so could not give me one.

Anxity is really winding me down, to the point that I can not think or want to do anything.

All I am doing is work and worry, Not good.

I just hope when I get the results back I can relax, but knowing its not 100% or 99.9% accurate I may not be able to.

If I not mentioned it before I did pick up chlamydia, from the person. so this is making me more worried.

The sore throat as now gone
not sure if this was a symptom or just a cause other than hiv brining up the lymph node.

My mate has not me not to worry, but he does not really understand on the risk I took, and with a guy who I believe has hiv.