View Full Version : Anyone eless main fear of anxiety is going crazy?

08-12-15, 23:20
The majority if people fear of having a heart attack, or tumors etc etc but I'm not afraid of any if that because it's illogical to me. I'm one of those people who has panic attack and wonders if they going crazy. I know that it's impossible buy It sounds so scary to me! I get all worked up wondering if this anxious feeling is something more severe. I've talked to my doctor about it before and it's just anxiety buy the feeling is terrifying. Am I the only one who feels this way?

10-12-15, 03:39
My anxiety issues started 3 years ago with the exact same fear. I remember I couldn't even sleep or eat sometimes because I was always so worried I could lose my mind anytime! I could feel anxious for entire days!!! I understand how terrifying and crippling this fear is! All I can say is.. with time you'll overcome it, I promise you will. Right now it may seem like your concerns are never going to go away but with time they will. Just try to find activities to distract yourself and keep your mind off those bad thoughts. I actually started knitting during that period and it's helped me a lot.
You will not go crazy , you are fine! I remember once a therapist told me that if you are actually questioning your sanity, it means that you are actually sane..and that made the trick. I still get these kind of anxious thoughts occasionally but you'll learn to brush them away quickly as time goes by. It takes time and patience, but you'll succeed! I know you will!
Hope this helps you! A big hug!

10-12-15, 04:42
Yes, and to add to girl20's therapist I can tell you I've read the exact same thing in NHS leaflets about schizophrenia, psychosis, etc. The charity I joined for weekly anxiety/depression walk-in meetings borrows a meeting room in a community mental health team's building and they have these leaflets in reception. They treat people with more serious mental health problems and until closures in recent years they would take inpatients instead of the local psychiatric hospital. So, they are the right people to say this in my eyes as they work in those areas.

I'm not sure I've ever met, or spoken to, an anxiety sufferer who hasn't thought they were losing their mind at some point. I have been through that several times, especially with the onset of my OCD as I didn't know what was happening to me and felt like I couldn't control my own actions.

In OCD there is even a subtype for this. Whilst it doesn't seem as common, there have been maybe 10 people on here I have spoken to with that. If your anxiety centres on this theme and you have intrusive thoughts, it could be OCD.

10-12-15, 13:55
I had the same fears, it let me avoid doing things and going out.. Slowly my panic attacks get controlled by medicines and regular counselling. Xanax had controlled my anxiety levels and panic attacks amazingly...