View Full Version : Chest Pain

09-12-15, 00:34
Hi guys I'm pretty new here so please forgive me if I've posted this in the wrong place!

I've been having pretty bad chest pains for the last few weeks, similar to when I have a panic attack but sharper and localised to the centre of my chest. My doc has decided to send me for a series of tests on my heart before altering my meds.

Just wondered if this is normal procedure? I know the pain is anxiety related and the thought of going to hospital for tests kinda of freaks me out :unsure:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


09-12-15, 12:04
Well... can't tell you but the tests won't cause you any harm and they can calm you down - the moment you see it's all well on the inside of your body, is the moment you can stop worrying about that and the pain should slowly fade away. And it's good to have yourself checked here and there from time to time :)

09-12-15, 18:07
Thanks for the reply :)

Yeah it's always good to have a little reassurance, hopefully I'll feel better when I've had everything checked