View Full Version : Having a bad HA flare-up / throat issues...

09-12-15, 02:32
My HA is ever present but tends to come in waves. I'm really having a hard time over the last few weeks. I think it's triggered by some work/personal stresses, but I can't seem to shake it off as easily this time.

I typically have a "mantra" to talk myself down from these types of episodes, but tonight I'm convinced I have throat or neck cancer.

I've had neck and ear soreness on one side for several months, headaches, pain in my upper back, and now my neck feels swollen on that particular side, as well as a small lymph node right behind my ear. Everything just feels full, like there's an invisible pressure all over my neck, throat and ear.

I've seen my primary care doctor, who referred me to a chiropractor, and I was going for a while and seemed to be feeling better with her treatments. But I stopped going a few weeks back due to the cost, and of course everything has intensified again and I can't help thinking that even though they reassured me they didn't seem any red flags, that they are wrong, or that the swelling/lymph node is something that they haven't seen yet.

Anyone else really struggling tonight? I can't seem to stop Googling and checking. How do you cope when you know that you are likely having a heightened HA episode but can't shake it?

I've taken Nutri-Calm for the past two days and it takes the edge off for just a bit, but I'm still unsure about whether Nutri-Calm is really safe for long-term use (a friend recommended it and gave me a few days' worth.)

Thanks for listening - blessings to all.

11-12-15, 03:28
Guess no one is feeling particular supportive? :weep: