View Full Version : Pins & needles again!!!

20-02-07, 09:32
Sorry me again, the pins and needles in my left foot are much worse today. Its nit anxiety, although I know worrying does not help it. I can feel it all the time like a rushing feeling in my left foot and ive got it at the tip of my nose.

I did relax after talking to a friend about it and another friend told me her GP said its common to have tingling in hands & feet with a sinus infection (I am currently under the weather with one and on anti bs)

My infection is in my left sinuses and its my left ear thats aching badly today, could it be why my left foot is tingling so much? its really odd.

20-02-07, 12:01
hey there;
i kept waking up with wierd pins and needly feeling rushin up from my feet all over my body. i went to the docs and they did some tests and said its most likely anxiety causing it or just nerves when im lay on my back or circulation cus im lay in one place. i thought it was MS!!!! I also sometiems get a numbness int he tip of my nose and researched it and there are laods of scary things like lukemia (AARG) but i think more likely its to do wit hmy sinuses or the fact that i grind my teeth! phew.

oh and pins and needles are a common symptom of anxiety, somethin to do with the flight or fight response. if you still have doubts go back to your doctor.

20-02-07, 12:59
Leaukemia???? I didn't know that the tingling could be anything to do with leaukemia???I had my bloods done only 2 weeks ago and they were fine though so god im going to try not to worry about that. Wish I didn't post now, lol!

20-02-07, 17:15
oh christ i didnt mean to scare you! if you research it it can be to do with your nerves in your face that get......aggrivated i suppose by grinding your teeth that make your nose go numb. if you had lukemia they'd know by now ok so dont fret!

20-02-07, 18:07
Thanks Lou,

Its ok, I had a full blood count done 2 weeks ago so im pretty sure my dr would of told me if something was abnormal;-)

I have been blowing my nose for britain so I put down the numbness at the tip of my nose down to that, I was blowing my nose about 20x a day last week, lol!

I won't be googling at all, something I never do now. I use to google leaukemia symptoms years ago and I never ever came across numbness as s symptom on any official sites such as NHS or Bupa, I know the all the symptoms and im pretty sure its not one of them, lol!