View Full Version : Worried I may have cancer.

09-12-15, 13:40
Hi. A few months ago (Maybe around September, I don't remember too well) I had discovered a lump on the side of my neck, it moves when I touch it and such, so I thought it'd just been an enlarged lymph node (That's the right term, correct?) However, it's not gone away, and I'm really worried it may be cancer, I've not had any tests and such, because I think I'm overreacting. I am ill currently, so it's not unlikely that it's a lymph node, but the thing is, it's been enlarged like that for longer than I have been sick!

09-12-15, 15:13
I'm a Head and Neck Cancer survivor. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. The cancerous nodes in my neck were fixed, hard and immobile and grew. The fact that your's are mobile and haven't increased noticeably bodes well. I'm not a doctor so if you're that concerned, see your GP.

POsitive thoughts

09-12-15, 19:49
Thanks for that Fishmanpa. If you don't mind could I ask do you suffer from bad health anxiety? One of my fears is that if I ever did get diagnosed with anything I will simply not be able to cope or deal with it at all. I fear I would be driven to suicide and hurt my family seeing me in such distress. How did you cope with the diagnosis and has it changed your health anxiety getting through such an ordeal?

09-12-15, 20:20
Thanks for that Fishmanpa. If you don't mind could I ask do you suffer from bad health anxiety?

Not at all actually. I have heart disease, have had two heart attacks, bypass surgery, stents and Stage IV cancer. I originally found this site when I was on the cancer forums and there were a few posters that obviously had HA. I followed one here, joined and try to help based on my experiences. As far as anxiety? I have a bit of "scanxiety" as I call it. Understandably, I get a bit stressed come check up time as the chance for recurrence or finding another cancer is always a possibility. At this point however, the chances of a recurrence of the original cancer is about 20% (it was 50/50 for the first two years). I also dealt with some depression with is understandable as well. I sought therapy and worked on some CBT techniques which really helped. I also have a "chill pill" I can take when I feel the stress getting to me.

As far as coping? You just do. What other choice is there? I personally know of a couple of anxiety sufferers that have faced serious illnesses and their anxiety took a back seat during their ordeal. And, as it turned out, it stayed in the back seat afterwards. Facing a serious illness really puts things in perspective. The things that many worry about here are pointless in the big picture. "What Ifs" are strong with anxiety but the "what ifs" you'll regret the most are the the things you don't do due to the fear. I have real health issues that can bury me six feet under. Anxiety does that above ground. Living in constant fear is not really living.

Positive thoughts