View Full Version : replase

09-12-15, 14:08
Hi all new to the site, I had my breakdown last year around this time due to the fact I had a very unhappy little girl who didnt like her school, I moved her in jan this year, she has settled in well, she still has serious anxiety issues but she has got help with TAHMS and at school they were brill her last school gave me no help at all, so this caused me to have my breakdown, was in a terrible place have already been on citalopram 40mg and 75mg amitrip for over 8 years, but the meds weren't doing anything so they added pregabalin 150mg 3 times day I couldn't believe the different it made me, I felt myself again and was back on my feet in no time enjoying life, but the weekend was struck down with the sickness bug wiped me out and the feeling I felt brought back memories of last year and now I feel I am stuck in that pattern again and cant get out I want to have a nice christmas for my daughters sake as last year wasn't at all nice and I promised myself i would make it so special, has anyone had a relapse
(sorry if I have spelling mistakes)

09-12-15, 16:04
What was wrong with the previous school?

10-12-15, 14:18
She wasn't happy and she got no help for her anxiety