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09-12-15, 19:24
How does anxiety effect your health and does it make you feel ill ?

10-12-15, 22:10

In all manner of new and exciting ways ;)

Sam Winter
10-12-15, 22:30
yes it makes me feel sick, fatigued, I get pain everywhere, it can in a numerous amount if ways X

11-12-15, 11:15
Yes, anxiety effects on health, eating, appetite, sleep can effect a lot by anxiety disorder.

22-12-15, 20:54
Definitely! The physical aspect and the mental aspect of our being is strongly correlated meaning that if there is something wrong with our body then it will also manifest through our mind and vice-versa.

Aside from the things mentioned by the other members, stress aggravation would be one of the primary health risks caused by anxiety which in return can cause many other health related issues.

22-12-15, 22:02
Read THIS! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)...

Positive thoughts