View Full Version : Flashes of light

10-12-15, 02:35
What does it looks like and how long does it last in a povd? I can see some in a dark room with one window that cast light to my room and when i move my head fast i see a straight flash of light for a second and it disappear....and how often does this flash can occur per hour or day answer pls:((

10-12-15, 02:48
You've been posting about this for 6 months. I imagine if it were sinister, you would be in pretty rough shape by now. Have you seen an eye doctor? What did they say?

Positive thoughts

10-12-15, 03:09
Not yet :( want to make sure that theres really a problem and i have little time because i am in college

10-12-15, 12:50
Being seen by a medical professional is the way to determine if there is an issue. If you're that concerned, make the time. We're only talking about an hour or so of your day. Many opticians have weekend hours as well.

Good luck and positive thoughts

15-12-15, 05:46
Your stimulating your retina when you move your head fast. I see flashes to, Usually if I move my head real quick or if go from light to dark. My eye Dr knows about it and has never seemed concerned. My flashes are a single pin point of light that flashes once and then it's done. Sometimes they are blue, sometimes mine orange or red