View Full Version : Catch 22 with side effects

10-12-15, 10:34
I had been on escitalopram for quite a while and things for me were fairly settled, and I could manage any anx spikes and my comfort box was slowly expanding.
Anyway went to order a repeat prescription a couple of months ago and had a phone call from a doctor, who I have never met, he suggested I come off the meds, I agreed, but in hindsight wish I had requested a face to face appointment to discuss properly. Not best pleased with the doctor in question. Not well managed at all.
So my anx has come back, and like everyone on here I don't want these feelings at all, but I have managed to get a new repeat prescription at the weekend and an appointment with a GP next week.
I am now in the side effects period and unable to tell what is a side effect or part of the anx, but dry mouth, slightly anxious, especially in a morning, diarrhea, no appetite at all and the day doesn't seem totally real, where I am on auto pilot. Lucky I work for myself, which brings its own pressures, but at least I don't have any employer to contend with. And I am continuing to try and follow my usual routine and doing plenty of breathing exercises and managed to go swimming this week.
I forgot when taking these about the start, how long for other people do these last, but why does a medication have to add to the symptoms which we want help to overcome.
Very frustrated.