View Full Version : Feeling Worried

10-12-15, 14:04

Yesterday at work a colleague received a phone call from an external company, then had an email from this company. He didn't read the email properly and therefore made an incorrect decision. I spotted this yesterday and spoke to him but he still did nothing.

I was in a state all last night and didn't sleep properly. I spoke to my manager this morning and explained the situation.

I am now anxious that I could be in trouble over this as I didn't flag the issue yesterday, not sure if I should speak to my manager again or wait it out.


10-12-15, 15:28
Isn't it his problem? Why would you get in trouble?

10-12-15, 15:34
You gave him an opportunity to change his mind - the final decision IS his.
As he did not do this the following morning, you did the right thing and flagged it up with your manager. You've done nothing wrong. Perhaps your colleague needs some extra training.
Please dont worry any more!!

11-12-15, 07:59
The issue is with him as he made the mistake through being careless, which we all do from time to time, but then when explained to him he made a conscious decision not to correct it. So, either a) he doesn't care about his work, b) he doesn't respect you in order to accept what you are saying (because of his own reasons, don't worry about this as he doesn't sound very good anyway from other posts) or c) he's afraid to or embarrassed. Whichever it is, your manager is responsible for the standard of your work and should feel the need to resolve it or she's a worthless manager!

You haven't done anything wrong. If you had run straight off to your manager it could be judged as trying to get someone into trouble and your manager probably would get sick of someone doing that as managers like a nice easy life. You gavce him a chance, he wasted it, you did the riight thing and reported it so it can a) be corrected, b) the client is happy and c) doesn't happen again / capability issues are addressed.

If your manager held you responsible for this then they vare being unreasonable. Yes, you could have just steamed in and took it over but that would potentially cause staff friction and doesn't always end well. You took the calm & measured approach.

19-12-15, 00:44
Hey Clare :blush:

You've done everything already. There are certain work ethics that should be followed. When a colleague made a mistake the first thing you ought to do is put it in his attention and you've done that already. If he commit the mistake again or did nothing then report him to a higher authority. You also have done that already. Evidently you've done all things necessary and have been a good employee. You don't have to worry. It's your colleague who should be worried for not doing the job right.

Now if you are anxious that you didn't report it on the exact date of the incident that is okay and will be overlooked. You see it would seem that you're still allowing your colleague to change his mistake. Don't worry about it much and just focus on working. :)

19-12-15, 06:46
I hunk Clare is fine now that she had her appraisal. :)

19-12-15, 16:47
Thanks for all the replies and yes it was sorted by our manager in the end, it didn't affect my appraisal and I think this guy has been told to change and improve his attention to detail.
