View Full Version : Hi I am new to this and a bit lost

20-02-07, 11:11
Hello all, I hope some gets to read this. I have multiple problems. I am an involuntary diazepam addict-over 30 years. I have chronic anxiety and depression. I am agorophobic. I have an undiagnosed phobia of food. I am a recovering alcoholic and now addicted to lemonade!!! I have a sense of humour, I don't know why as I don't have much to laugh about. It seems that the NHS finds me invisible so I just keep taking the tablets, although about 8 years ago I went through the darkest moments of my life when I came off diazepam. After 2 years of being in almost constant terror, my GP put me back on them. I self medicated with alcohol. 2 years ago I layed on the sofa and haven,t moved since. I live in hope though as I have so much to live for. I just wish I could find the help I need. Thanks for reading this. I would so much like to make some friends and share experiences and help.

Granny Primark
20-02-07, 11:28
Welcome to the site carole.
There is loads of advice on this site and im sure you will make many friends friends that will give you support and encouragment.
Just knowing there are people that truly understand what you have been going through is a huge comfort itself.
The chatroom is a great place to make friends,get advice and have a laugh.
Just by coming on this site is a step on the ladder to recovery.

Take care

20-02-07, 13:09
:welcome: Carole.You will get lots of support here,and make lots of friends.:)

20-02-07, 13:34
Hi Carol,

A big warm welcome to you.

20-02-07, 14:39
Hi Carol and welcome to no more panic, I found your thread very touching as you can still find a smile after everything you have been through hun is quite amazing!!!!!

You will find a lot of supportive and friendly people here......... they will help get you off that sofa!!!!

Luv Pinky

20-02-07, 15:15

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

20-02-07, 15:23
hi Carol,

Welcome to NMP you'll meet lots of great folks here and have even more of a laugh especially in chat. Hope to speak to you in there .

Take care

shirley xx :yahoo:

20-02-07, 17:48
Hi Carol

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely caring people and gets loads of support and advice.