View Full Version : Got theopportunity to work as a Spanish language assistant in the US..Now what?

10-12-15, 16:08
Dear everyone,
I'm posting again because last friday I found out I got a very good scholarship to work as a Spanish Language Assistant at a college in the US for 9 months starting in september 2016. Going abroad has always been one of my biggest dreams and part of me is super excited about the opportunity i'm being given, but the other side of me is super scared.
I've suffered from anxiety for about 3 years now...my fears revolve around getting a terrible disease, claustrophobia and even terrorism.
I've been able to keep my anxiety under control for the past year and I feel very proud of it. However, after getting the news I am getting super panicky again thinking that being alone in a foreign country, away from my family and everything I know, could make my symptoms worse than ever.
I really don't wanna let my fears stop me from accomplishing my dreams but I really don't know what to do...I feel so worried and scared. I'd be leaving in August 2016, there's still time, but I can't let my mind think of the worst possible scenarios..

Has any of you ever been in a similar situation? What do you think I should do to prepare myself before the time to leave comes? Do you think CBT would help me out manage those fears?

Please I need advice and reassurance. Today I'm having a particularly negative day and I really have no one else to talk about this with as no one else around me is really aware of my issues..


10-12-15, 19:21

Well firstly, Many Congratulations as that is a fantastic achievement. You should rightly be very, very proud of yourself.....it certainly is a wonderful opportunity.

I think one of the major problems with anxiety is that as soon as anything pops up in life that is out of the ordinary or unexpected, it totally throws us off balance as it sets in a state of panic and fear. My theory is that we get in a sort of comfort zone in our own environment, tackling the anxiety the way we are able to comfortably, etc, so when these things come out of left field, it is daunting and scary.

The first advice I would give having been in similar situations myself (I HATE any change or stuff that just crops up) is that anticipation is the worst thing, and so easy for us to get anticipatory anxiety in times like this, and so trying to move your mind AWAY from doing that is the best thing.

Try not to dwell on 'what if I feel really anxious when I leave for the US' or 'what if my anxiety is really bad when I am there' or 'what if I can't manage alone', etc, etc.

The thing about 'what if's?' is that that is ALL they are.....they do not mean AT ALL that what is worrying you will actually happen.....please trust me when I tell you that in the main, those worries DON'T happen.

I have a terrible fear of travel. Every time I am due to travel by plane (I go twice a year to Spain) I feel sick, anxious, scared of being alone, worried about being away from home and feeling anxious, etc. I do it EVERY time, even when I deep down know that every time - as soon as I am in the taxi to the airport - I am just fine, and fine when I am there too......it is madddening and so ridiculous, but that is the anxious brain for you!

A lot of what you fear might happen, most probably will not. You will doubtless be so busy with your work in the college, and meeting new people, making friends, etc. that your mind will be focused well away from any anxiety.

Anxiety loves time to dwell and think, but when the mind is occupied and busy it sort of takes a step back, and this I am CERTAIN will be the case for you, as you sound like you are coping brilliantly as it is.

Also, try not to focus on negative thoughts here. Keep emphasising to yourself - just as you have already said - that this is a fantastic opportunity for you, that this is following your dreams and that you will NOT allow anxiety to blow it for you......no more negatives....try to be bloody minded and determined.

I think that maybe some kind of therapy - be it talking therapy, CBT, etc may well be beneficial for you, purely because you have lots of time before you go away, and maybe addressing any worries and anxiety may be a good idea to get you in a good place thoughts wise.

You have achieved something amazing. I wish I had gone for stuff like that when I was 20 years younger, and I say you go for it...life is short!! xxx:yesyes::hugs:

10-12-15, 19:39

Many congratulations on the opportunity, it sounds like you want to go. It will be scary but you will make new friends and do what some people only dream off.

Yes a course of cbt would help with the thoughts you are having, and you will be in a country where you speak the language, has good communications so it has loads going for it.

I say hold your head high and go for it


19-12-15, 02:59
Thank you girls so much for your kind replies.
I'll try to follow your advice and keep a positive attitude towards this situation, because it is a great opportunity. There are some days in which I'm very excited about leaving and the next I get so anxious that I can barely eat. I just worry that the unknown environment will make my symptoms worse and I can imagine myself ending up at a hospital ward...
I know thoughts are just thoughts but sometimes I just can't help to think of the worst possible scenarios.. However, I'll keep working hard given that I dont wanna let my fears stop me..

19-12-15, 06:48
It'll be nerve racking until you go and the you'll wonder what you were worried about :)

19-12-15, 07:46
Aww that's so reassuring to hear (read)! I appreciate your words. I hope you are right! Thanks!:D

19-12-15, 18:51
Out of curiosity, where in the US?

Positive thoughts

19-12-15, 19:50
Schenectady, New York. It's a small university, Union College :)

19-12-15, 20:08
Schenectady, New York. It's a small university, Union College :)

That's a beautiful area! Quaint and lovely small town USA. This is a fantastic opportunity and one you should do your best to take advantage of. Don't allow the dragon to deprive you of this!

Positive thoughts

19-12-15, 21:05
Aww thank you very much, Fishmanpa! I'm trying to keep a more positive attitude towards this :) I really am so happy. It's honestly leaving my family and friends behind what worries me the most. But ..i mean now there's skype and all the different apps to remain in contact . I'm trying to remember all of that now every time that i get anxious.

19-12-15, 21:18
Aww thank you very much, Fishmanpa! I'm trying to keep a more positive attitude towards this :) I really am so happy. It's honestly leaving my family and friends behind what worries me the most. But ..i mean now there's skype and all the different apps to remain in contact . I'm trying to remember all of that now every time that i get anxious.

I've been to Schenectady and the surrounding areas. Truly, it's beautiful! If you like nature, there are parks with gorgeous waterfalls and the town itself has some great attractions. You're right, with Skype and the internet, you'll be able to stay connected to your family and I'm quite sure you'll make some new friends.

My son always loved to travel and now works for an airline as a flight attendant. He had the opportunity to move to Las Vegas and took it. He's having the time of his life! Opportunities like this are rare in life. So many on this forum fear "What Ifs". IMO, the "What Ifs" we regret the most are the chances we never took. Take this chance. I'm quite sure you'll not regret it :D

Positive thoughts