View Full Version : It Might Help If I said It To Strangers!

10-12-15, 16:22
Hey, I have been going through depression lately and I have no clue if it is linked to my OCD, and I hate blaming OCD for everything bad thing that is happening up to this point.

The truth is I haven't been diagnosed with OCD, but I know I have it. Let's just say I started having the repetitive thoughts (or whatever they are called) when I was 14 or 15. It was hell, it made me cry and feel helpless. It took hours of my life especially before sleep. I lived in a country where there was no help for people with mental disorder and I didn't even know what to call it back then. Fortunately, I have learned how to cope and eventually overcame the repetitive thoughts I had.

I used to brag to people how I overcome this part of my life and that OCD is not that big of a deal. Until recently. I found out that many things that have been going on in my life were influenced by my OCD. I didn't know that it was more than repetitive thoughts, and now every time I remember something I find that it was there.

I have the tendency to feel responsible or think that I am responsible for many things that happen, and I feel over guilt. I have been going through a lot in the past number of months and I think I am too tired to keep my OCD at bay. Everything feels painful now. I feel alone and depressed. Even though I am surrounded by friends. I want to take time off but I have finals to study for and I have already finished two, and I am definitely not happy with how I preformed, and it is just adding up to that feeling bad pile.

I don't know why I have posted this...... But I just want to try anything.

Thank you if you have read this, it is quite long. :)

10-12-15, 22:44
Hello Dixter,

I will start by saying you don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, meaning although you feel like this there is no reason to. Do you have any medical help

11-12-15, 10:27
Thank you TomT. I don't consider my case to be severe, I can handle it as long as I get enough sleep and rest. Confessing helps me a lot that is why I wrote this. I am not considering getting a medical help. Thank you for your reply again. :)