View Full Version : My heart!!? Anybody felt this?

10-12-15, 20:58
Really don't want to go to the emergency room again. But got myself worked up over these quick sharp pains in my chest like between breast area.. Sometimes higher like above the breast area. They come quick and it's sharp. They last few seconds but will come in waves for like 5 mins I think. I also feel like I can put my hand where it hurts to stop the pain. These started yesterday and ever since I've been a mess and wondering if it's my heart! Of course I didn't have these when I went to the ER Saturday for palpitations and anxiety attack . The tests they ran were fine and the Holter monitor results haven't come in.. Of course these start the day after I returned the monitor. I'm 21 yr old female. I'm starting to convince myself I have coronary artery disease. I'm scared to tell my boyfriends mom who would be the one to take me to the ER because she did Saturday. She'll just say I'm causing it myself and worrying too much. But I'm really scared it's my heart! :( or anxiety tensing my chest and shoulder. Because I tend to squeeze my shoulder/arms together hunched over when I'm scared. ANBODY FELT THIS BEFORE? PLEASE. :weep:

10-12-15, 21:23
I'm a two time heart attack survivor, had triple bypass surgery and stents. I have coronary artery disease and angina. I can tell you at 21, the chances of coronary artery disease are pretty much zero. That and the fact your EKG was normal tend to make me think this is stress related. I'm sure the holter test will confirm this as well. At most it may show a palp or two due to your panic.
Real heart pain is something that's difficult to put into words but for me, it was a pain that literally drops you to your knees. And angina pain is not much better.

Positive thoughts

10-12-15, 22:13
Well I guess I'm worried about it being my heart because my dad died from a heart attack and then on my moms side my grandpa passed from heart related issues. So I guess I have family history against me. I'm afraid to do anything because I don't wanna feel that pain. I was worried about angina but you said that it feels like a heart attack ? I'll feel sharp pains and I can put my hand on the pain.. Sometimes I'm the center sometimes more to left but in between breast . I really appreciate your reply though, was really needing someone to talk to. Everyone else seems to think I'm causing it from stress but I don't want to believe it. It seems to happen when I'm active .. Like when I was on the treadmill last night and then today when I was walking outside . Very quick sharp pains that come in waves for about 5 mins or less. But then I'll stress the rest of the day afraid to do anything :weep:

10-12-15, 22:37
as a 21 yrs female, most likely it's not a heart problem. Heads up, make all necessary tests, and you'll see it's nothing to be afraid of.

11-12-15, 00:00
Yes I agree and do want to get all necessary tests done to if anything ease my mind instead of live in fear of what could be. I'm very scared of hospitals and doctors but I know for my own sanity I have to go. Just afraid to find out anything bad. Thanks for your reply though! Was wondering if anyone else on here felt this before as well.. Sometimes it feels good to not feel alone!