View Full Version : Why am I craving so much chocolate?!

11-12-15, 09:14
For the past 6/7 days I have been pigging out on all kinds of sweet stuff more than I have ever eaten before and today I'm feeling ill and irritable/depressed? Is there a come down?

For the 6/7days I was eating crap I was pretty happy?? In fact happier than I've been for a while.

11-12-15, 12:51
Eating fatty/sugary food can lead to a release in chemicals in your brain which make you happy. That's because they were rare in olden times.

Perhaps after 6/7 days you now feel a bit sick? Perhaps it's time for some greens?

11-12-15, 16:51
I've been exactly the same!!! Haven't had any major anxiety for the last week but have been craving so much chocolate. Ive made sure I've eaten healthy otherwise to try and make up for all the sugar!! I haven't had a comedown yet either.

As Urusainaa said, try eating some veg and get some more nutrients in your body.

19-12-15, 12:53
I don't know about you but I've started to get a bit of a belly on! I'm eating so much more than I would usually it's strange!

Looks as if I'm gonna have to keep an eye on what I eat haha

19-12-15, 14:59
Glad I am not alone, TomsThoughts, lol. :winks:

I could quite happily live on chocolate, and I find that I eat far more of it, and junk in general, when my depression and anxiety is high.

Last week I ate an entire Cadbury's chocolate santa (about 600 calories) in one go....oh dear......after a packet of crisps...sigh. :wacko:

But i enjoyed every bit of it, despite the guilt.

I think that as far as chocolate goes, it also stimulates the release of endorphins, so gives us the happy feeling we are obviously craving.

20-12-15, 21:02
One theory is that a chocolate craving means your magnesium levels are low.

21-12-15, 01:21
Right. Going to raise the magnesium tonight, thanks ...

I would say all of the above are true, and in fact, carbohydrate cravings are listed as a depression symptom. When I was going over my symptoms with my doctor as he was figuring a diagnosis, his eyes literally lit up when I told him about the sugar thing. Every winter the same thing, along with the same old weight gain. About 5 more minutes and he had it nailed as SAD.

As I am typing, I am polishing off an entire tub of chip dip. There is a bag of OMGs that are not going unopened tonight, too. :blush:

I cannot wait until the ven increase kicks in! Ugghhhh!

23-12-15, 18:25
Not sure why I'm craving junk food wether it's my body needing the 'happy stuff' or something else but I'm enjoying it anyway!

At first I wouldn't go near fizzy drinks like coke and all the rest of them, because I was afraid of what it would do to my body/mind due to caffeine and large sugar intake BUT my job is to fit new bedrooms and bathrooms for mental health units.

And I noticed a lot ALOT of patients with large stock of chocolate and fizzy drinks, I was like what is the deal with all this?! So now I know, because you feel 'happier'! Haha.

23-12-15, 22:40
Your brain craves sugar when anxious and fat when depressed (if I've got that threw right way around).

Interesting about the magnesium and nice to see you Phuzella.

23-12-15, 22:59
Same here with the chocolate! I rarely eat chocolate and the past 10 days I have been all over it. Could it not just be the time of the year when it is more readily available and more 'acceptable' to pig out, that is what I am putting it down to and not reading any more in to it. If you look about, most 'normal' people are probably doing the same !

23-12-15, 23:06
Good point, Perry. Perhaps we should also remember that our bodies area attuned to the weather too.

23-12-15, 23:10
Very true! certain drinks we like in the summer, warming and comforting foods in the winter.

An interesting post because I was only just thinking how much chocolate I was eating but I know as we come in to the new year I will be back to virtually nothing

24-12-15, 04:45
I blame the media for it, showing us all the plus size models so we aspire to be them...



24-12-15, 09:18

25-12-15, 15:01

26-12-15, 00:28
I blame the media for it, showing us all the plus size models so we aspire to be them...



If I've told Dad once, I've told him a million times, it's just NOT attractive, LOL.....:D:D:D

31-12-15, 19:33
@ Terry, nice to see you too :) . Lot of new names on here now.