View Full Version : Bladder problems - MS?

11-12-15, 09:27
Hey all,

I'm having a bad week this week and new symptoms seem to keep popping up and I'm not sure if I am going mad or what but I can't stop thinking I have MS.

My legs still hurt, particularly the bottoms of my calves and ankles and now I have this pain in my chest like more when breathing. Anyhow now I am worried about my bladder I keep needing to go like more often and when my bladder is full it hurts and I feel like I really need to go.

When I do go it doesn't hurt or anything and the pain goes. I don't know if I am overreacting but it's worrying me as it's another symptom and people with Ms have bladder problems don't they?

11-12-15, 09:37
Hi Cora

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it.

My view? Anxiety makes you need to toilet (without going in to too much detail!) for both reasons more often than normal.

I've had a few moments when I've been super nervous and anxious (nervousness seems to be a part of my anxiety) and I've suddenly needed the toilet.

Worrying about it will make it worse. Trust me.

Unless you are having severe uncontrollable symptoms I would say you are in the middle of a health anxiety flare up. it is HORRIBLE. I have been there. I am coming out of it now.

You can of course call your GP. If you are UK based a lot of GPs allow a call service so you don't have to keep going in. That is probably very helpful when they have people with anxiety who just need a few moments of reassurance. Saves the hassle of making effort to go in then they say 'this is your anxiety flaring up'.

My advice? If you haven't had it, get CBT. I am now waiting for NHS CBT but a friend has offered his services privately and he is a huge anxiety sufferer and knows the signs.

11-12-15, 11:23
Thanks for the reply I think me worrying about it is making it worse for sure! Just sat at my desk clock watching thinking I need the loo and it's only been an hour! Then when I went it was just a little bit.

I might try the phone appointment thing. I'm not good face to face even the appointment makes me anxious and I end up not saying what I want to because I want to get out of there. I have had a few sessions of CBT but it wasn't that helpful and I think maybe I had a poor therapist. My friend had it and she said it was the best thing she did for her anxiety.

I'm wondering if there are any good self help books for CBT out there?