View Full Version : Restless/twitchy legs

11-12-15, 17:18
Suffering with really restless legs. Every time I come home after work and sit down I feel like I should be moving them. I can't sit and watch TV, read a book, play a game I just have to pace the living room all evening and it's breaking me.
It feels like an itch in my leg that needs to be satisfied by moving them.
I'm pregnant and theirs no meds I can take to help :(
I've cut out caffeine, limiting sugar etc but I can't think what else. I've tried a bath it's not working as I kick about and get very irritable.
What can I do I'm tired and just want to relax but can't?

I don't get it when I'm sitting down at work or sitting on a bus so I'm wondering if it's all anxiety as I come home and do focus on how my legs feel. Or is something wrong neurologically

---------- Post added at 17:18 ---------- Previous post was at 15:03 ----------


11-12-15, 18:49
My legs get like that when I'm tired at night. The only thing that helps is massaging them, walking around or going to bed. For some reason when I get in my bed it stops. I've had it ever since I had my first baby almost 9 years ago.

11-12-15, 18:54
It's horrible isn't it?
The feeling stops me enjoying my evening and it leaves me in tears as I get very tense/irritable/can't relax.
I've tried natural remedies to no avail.

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

I wonder is it anxiety causing restless legs. Or just restless legs syndrome

11-12-15, 23:37
Anyone else know

11-12-15, 23:58
Emma, how could anyone else know? You're pregnant and your body is going through all sorts of changes. I have the same feeling from time to time and it can be quite irritating and distracting. For me, it's because of chemo and I have meds that help. For you? You're quite the anxious one and I'm sure that has something to do with it.

I found that a heating pad really helped.

Positive thoughts

12-12-15, 14:55
I am also suffering from very restless legs! When I am relaxing I constantly have to wiggle my toes! I am also pregnant but my anxiety has relapsed during pregnancy so I am on setraline.

I've had this before when suffering anxiety so I know it's normal for me and it will go but it's so annoying x

12-12-15, 15:34
Thanks. I hope it's because of anxiety and not because I actually have rls. It's so upsetting and makes me want to cry.
Dreading maternity leave because of this as won't have much to keep me busy.
Luckily despite having dreadful sleep last weekend since Monday night I'm managing to get 6-8 hours sleep a night

12-12-15, 16:36
Hi Em.ma Ive had restless legs since I was tiny, so did my Dad and now my one daughter suffers with it. Its horrible, but I think the only treatment in drug form are what they use for parkinsons!! I don't fancy that myself. Mine also went crazy when I was pregnant with my youngest. I find that stretching the legs, like really making the calves stretch really helps and a distraction. Im often playing games on my phone at all hours cause of fidgety legs!! :winks: I feel for you...hard to explain to someone who has never had it what it feels like :hugs: