View Full Version : Is this why i am preoccupied with death?

20-02-07, 12:45
When i was 11 i was being babysat by my gran, my mother had popped out for the night. At 10.30pm i heard a banging on the door downstairs (my gran would always take the key out of the lock so my mum could open the door but that day she hadn't). Anyway, i run downstairs to let my mother in and find my gran lying dead in the utility room. She died of a massive heart attack. What scares me even more is that she told me earlier in the evening that she thought she would die that night.

Everyday i am thinking "I am going to die today/tomorrow/soon".

Is this a form of PTSD?


20-02-07, 12:57
Hi Sarah

So sorry to hear what happened.
It is bound to have had a profound effect on you, it must have been a terrible shock.
Have you had any counselling ?


20-02-07, 13:06
I've never had therapy for that, didn't think it was needed.
I always thought i was just another person that worries about death, but now i know that i think about it way too much and what happened *could* be the reason.


20-02-07, 20:17

I had a smilar experience to you, my dad comitted suicide when I was 15 and I saw his body, I am now 33 but the past year I have had an overwhelming fear of death, I fear many many times a day that I will drop dead, It stopped me working, going out and controlled me, I do believe this could be the route of your problems and as mentioned counselling does help a lot, I posted a smilair post to you a while ago and got a good piece of advice from Ray that I use everyday (thanks Ray!) - He pointed out to me that while I am sat around living in fear or death I am wasting days I should be living, What you went through was awful and if you could speak to someone about it Im sure you will start to feel better,

Good luck to you!

Wendy x

21-02-07, 00:59

Im so sorry you are having a difficult time, I wish I could say something to take away the pain.
Ive suffered from PTSD since I was 14yrs old, its only been recent that I have discovered how it effects my life.

Fearing others death, my own no.
I fear deep lose, lose of friends , lose of my animals, lose of my daughter, hubby it goes on and on.
Im going away next week on holiday with hubby and believe he will die out there, so im afraid to go.

Please contact me for a chat, or email me - ness688@btinternet.com, your very welcome.

Take good care of you