View Full Version : Has anyone had this with heart palpitations?

12-12-15, 15:01
OK so I'm 27 year old female. I have been diagnosed with general anxiety plus hypochondrias. Right now I constantly worry about my heart, my brain and if I have a blood Condition that will cause me to die in pregnancy when I get pregnant. I was born severely premature so I always think what if I have something wrong and don't know.
I had my heart checked out twice...the first time was years ago, nothing came up. This second time I actually had palpitations on my Holter and they are benign PVC and I get them while working out too but nothing to worry about apparently.
Anyways the thing that has been really bothering me at the moment was what happened the other day at work. I had started getting a huge headache then my palpitations started and I would feel it in my throat then it would be like huge head rush feeling that hurt. So I started panicking a little inside wondering what it is. I had this before and I did mention it to my doctor, all he says is I never heard of this in my medical career. It most likely anxiety but that was when he had my heart checked anyways for the second time, I just never had head rush feeling.

Now I'm worried my PVC's are something more or I got something wrong with my brain. Has anyone had this?

---------- Post added at 15:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:43 ----------

I also asked my doctor for a head scan he says no there nothing wrong with me so he not ordering one just because I want one and I guess he won'the give me my blood test either. I heard of people getting pregnant then dying because of unknown excessive clotting disorder, so if I had blood work done and it was OK I be less anxious while pregnant. Plus my mom had like miscarriahe's before us kids and I heard that could be due to blood issue.

12-12-15, 21:34
Anyone on here? Does any one know if two things can cause heart palpitations? Like mine is apparently due to anxiety and caffeine but could I still have atrial fib or something else weird too? My heart ultrasound came back normal, my Holter picked up normal PVC but I am still freaking cause I'm getting the head rush again with the palps

12-12-15, 22:21
Sorry for not replying earlier. It was a little hard to read your original message. Are you asking if your palpitations are normal?

If so 'yes'. Anxious people get them often. Alcohol and caffeine cause them.

12-12-15, 22:35
All different things can cause heart palpitations!!! I suffer iron defiancy anaemia and they can cause heart palputations, anxiety is a massive massive factor of causing heart palpitations and so is being due on a period....... Many things can cause them! But they say heart palutations are harmless..... I've been getting them on and off for years and know so many people that suffer them too!!! I think anxiety is the biggest cause though . Hope this helps try not to panic about it x

---------- Post added at 22:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ----------

Just to let you know there's nothing wrong with having your bloods done just to ease your mind...... Demand a full
Blood count! I've always suffered depression and anxiety and had 3 successful pregnancy and births!!! Was aneimic through my last pregnancy and lost quite a lot of blood after birth so I had to have the clexine jab to prevent blood clotting!!! But again nothing major as long as your monitored! They monitor you closely through pregnancys! And you have quite regular blood tests too etc! Have blood pressure taken too! In fact it's good because your checked up on a regular basis whilst pregnant so they can tell if anything is up! They have to make sure mummy is healthy enough to carry baby of course! X

12-12-15, 22:48
You've had scientific medical tests that have ruled out anything sinister. Frankly, it sounds like you had a panic attack at work. I understand you're worried, but the dragon will do whatever he can to keep you in his grasp. The most logical solution would be therapy and or meds to help you manage your reaction to anxiety symptoms.

Positive thoughts

13-12-15, 22:55
Thanks everyone :) I have had heart palpitations since I was 16. I'm 27. I know my heart probably OK most likely but it's the head rush with it that scares me. I keep thinking I have Arterial fiberillation or something weird with my brain. I'm so scared that when I get pregnant something will happen and doctors will be like those pvc's were something more. Has anyone had headrush or head throb with heart palpitations?
