View Full Version : Hi....description of me, maybe triggery.

12-12-15, 18:59
Title is really a picture of my life.

My life was great until aged 9 when my grandmother who brought me up died of cancer in a week. I was then left to my very young parents, things did not go well.

My first experience of HA was at 15 when I was convinced after watching a TV show I had breast cancer, I did find lumps, this fear dogged me for years until at 18 I went the doctors who said I was fine, then again at 21 when I had fine needle biopsy, all clear.

I then had miscarriages and lousy births, but I always trusted doctors.

Then I had a ectopic, that a doctor missed 4 times, despite me telling her I had one, I went private and would have been dead if I had not.

My son got very ill, and that just capped it off. I go through periods of terror and periods of no fear. My HA is usually a response to another stress trigger, not associated with health.

I have all body pains, a lot, fatigue.

My main worry is the big 'c' and a slow painful death. Not actually death itself, rather the getting there.

HA is a part of me that waxes and wanes, manly due to very intense and brutal experiences, but it does not define me.

Many thanks.:shades:

12-12-15, 19:04
It seems that all different things can trigger health anxiety for a lot of people but all boils down to the same thing if that makes sense? I'm on meds now and have had my mind eased by doctors etc but still can't help but worry and obsess over things on my body that use never normally even take any notice of! It's crazy what health anxiety can do to a person!!! Are you on meds?

12-12-15, 19:04
Hiya Kibbins and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

12-12-15, 19:06
Not at the moment Haylee.

20-12-15, 02:59
Kibbins, just let it go and take the life lightly, there are people facing even worse than us, so be brave and let it go....