View Full Version : nodular melanoma question

13-12-15, 00:01
The start of my recent bout of health anxiety was a mole above my knee that I noticed in April or May 2015. Most of my moles are dark brown and flat. This one is slightly nodular and maybe slightly smaller than a pencil eraser. It also has a slightly reddish hue to it. In July when I went to my original dermatologist she took a quick look at the that mole and said that is perfectly normal.

Today while working out I felt something sting in that area and looked. It appeared slightly larger. I know in the past when I worried about this mole my mind would play tricks on me. If this was nodular melanoma would the growth be obvious at this point.

I am petrified at the moment that she mis diagnosed this.

13-12-15, 03:28
Any changes to moles should always be checked in my opinion!! As long as these changes are closely monitored you'll be fine! You are doing the right thing by keeping a close eye on it! So go back to the doctor and report that change! Nothing wrong with being orecauticiois when it comes to things like moles �� I went doctors about one on my face on Friday! It's always been completed flat yet noticed it seemed very raised!!! But the doctor looked and said it looks fine! Just keep an eye out for itching/bleeding or pain around the area of the mole x