View Full Version : Worried about Head&Neck Cancer

13-12-15, 00:26
Hey everyone, first time poster this site has helped a lot in the past few weeks but thought a more specific enquiry was necessary

For the past 4-5 months I've had a lump on the left side of my throat. Very mobile and can feel something similar on the opposite side (below jaw saliva glands) but its not nearly as swollen. Went to the Doc end of summer and he just said to monitor for changes or new symptoms but he wasn't really concerned

I have another Drs appointment tomorrow as nothing has changed, and starting to worry it may be something more sinister:weep: Recently had weird swallowing feeling (like saliva only goes down one side of throat) and pressure in my left ear

Any advice or info from anyone? Thanks in advance

13-12-15, 00:45
I'm a Stage IV H&N cancer survivor. I had a node on the left side of my neck that was fixed and hard as a rock. It didn't respond to antibiotics and grew considerably in the 4 months from the time I discovered it until diagnosis. By the time I had a neck dissection to remove the cancer, it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck and the tumor was causing pressure and pain in my left ear and throat.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

In 4-5 months you would have noticed growth and had additional symptoms.

The definitive test is a FNAB (Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy). If indeed your doctor is suspicious, the first step would be a CT scan, followed by an ENT appointment.

Let us know how you make out tomorrow.

Positive thoughts

13-12-15, 00:51
Hey Fishmanpa, have seen you post in other threads and really seem like you know your stuff

Only thing is the lump I feel is definitely too big to be a lymph node, I'm quite skinny so I can feel nodes in my groin, neck etc. but this lump feels like a really swollen gland.

Hoping it's just a cyst or lipoma but the weird swallowing and ear pressure are really disconcerting! Only discovered it after I went down with a bacterial throat infection so hoping it might be related

I will do, thanks for your reply

14-12-15, 14:50
So nurse said she didn't think it was much to be concerned about and sent me for blood tests which I had today, on top of a Drs appointment tomorrow. Anxiety has gone down quite a bit since although its still annoying having an asymmetric throat!

The fact its very mobile encourages me as well, hopefully will get to the bottom of it:) Will keep you updated!


14-12-15, 15:33
its still annoying having an asymmetric throat!

Glad to hear all is well... as I expected ;)

We're asymmetric by nature. It's just the way it is. You should see my neck since the cancer. I had two cancerous nodes removed along with 23 others on the left side of my neck. Talk about asymmetric! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

15-12-15, 20:10
I also have a lump just below the jawline on the left side (feels like its beneath the Sternomaclestoid muscle. Doctors have been telling me not to worry about it too!

17-12-15, 01:40
I am having the exact same thing, nearly - also for months.

I have a spot of "discomfort" on the right side of my throat that feels dry/sometimes swollen. My right ear and front of neck also ache often, and my right ear always feels full. Tonight my ear REALLY aches and I can't stop from thinking it is neck/throat cancer of some sort. I used to smoke for a few years. Bad, I know. :(

I have had a doctor and chiropractor tell me these can be symptoms of tense neck and shoulder muscles - but it's so hard to believe when these symptoms feel so real and alarming.

Good thoughts to all - let us know what happens!

17-12-15, 21:52
So got a call today from a receptionist at the Doctors, telling me I need a second blood test in 3 months! Needless to say pretty worried again now, didn't even tell me why or what was wrong!

Luckily I have a telephone consultation on the 30th (moved back home from uni for Xmas) but still making me stressed :scared15:

To artist12, I smoked for a few years also so I know the feel! Luckily I'm often told that throat cancer is mostly prevalent in heavy smokers who are over 50, not sure whether symptoms you're experiencing are anxiety related, a lot of mine have dissipated now :)