View Full Version : I need help someone please I'm begging you

13-12-15, 02:21
My head feels so tight and numb all over 24/7, I feel really disconnected from my head and body, I have severe off balanced issues, it feels like I'm constantly bobbing up and down and swaying side to side I can even feel the ground going up and down and tilting, my head feels like it's high and drunk or like I've just got through doing some bad drug, my muscles all over are constantly severely fatigued I can't do things for very long, another things that's really scary is that I feel like I don't kno where my legs and arms are, they feel detached from my body, when I'm doing things they feel extremely light and weightless like they are not mine, and there just floating in space, my movements tend to freeze up while I'm walking or using my arms and it's really scary, it's like a delay from my brain to me moving my limbs and feels like I don't even have the strength to breathe

13-12-15, 07:10

Sorry go hear you're scared but look at my post on this board yesterday and you'll see you're not alone at all. I'm feeling exactly the same and it's scaring me.


13-12-15, 22:51
Hi there

I went through something similar last year around this time of year. The only thing that seemed to make sense was that I was in college more than full time and also working on starting my own business and not sleeping enough. I started to just feel detached from myself... tired...achy... weird pains, etc. I'd feel off balance constantly and have trouble sleeping.

Now I have a known arrhythmia that I sometimes get and I wound up with my heart racing. I know some tricks that usually slow it down when it does that but they weren't working. I wound up getting potassium IV at the hospital because I guess that was depleted. I admittedly wasn't eating very well at all.. lots of cookies and things and almost no vegetables and healthy things.

So just know you're not alone in experiencing things like this. Do the best you can to put nutritious foods in your body and get enough rest. This past year I've actually done pretty good since lightening my college load and drinking coconut water every day (lots of potassium). You can overdose on potassium if you take high doses in pill form, but eating things like bananas and drinking coconut water... you'd have to eat and drink soooo much of these things for it to be dangerous. It would be worth a shot.

14-12-15, 00:58
I don't kno what to do but it's been going on for 9 yrs and it's getting worse I can't work I can't function

16-12-15, 05:46

16-12-15, 07:49
Have you been to th drs?

16-12-15, 19:31
Yes I have I've been to a neurologist because I think I have ALS but the neurologist said I didn't after he had done a EMG on my legs

17-12-15, 04:51

23-12-15, 03:33

23-12-15, 03:37
Yes I have I've been to a neurologist because I think I have ALS but the neurologist said I didn't after he had done a EMG on my legs

Positive thoughts